Chapter Eleven

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He finds Todoroki as soon as classes end.

Luckily for Bakugo, Todoroki always goes straight to his room after school, so he was there when the blond knocked.


"Halfie, I need you to come with me."

The other stares at him blankly. "What?"

Bakugo sighs and lets himself into the other's room. It's nice and cool in here. Sure, Bakugo's isn't hot or anything, but Todoroki's room is cool.

The taller teen closes the door and stares at Bakugo, blazer off and few buttons of his shirt undone. He's got an undershirt on, too.

"Aizawa won't let me go out to buy groceries alone, so I need you to come with me."

Todoroki looks at him and nods. "Okay. Is there a catch?"

Of course Todoroki knew. He's not fucking stupid. He was just hoping to get Todoroki to agree to go with him and then he was going to tell him his plan.

Not anymore.

"I need to ditch you. I can make you mochi and soba if you want, but I just need a few fucking hours away from everyone and Aizawa took that away from me," he admits, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Is that why you weren't in class these last four days?"

Bakugo shakes his head, shooting down whatever connections Todoroki has made. "No. That's for a different reason, but now he's being all pissy even after I let him eat my amazing fucking dinner."

"I know you're lying. Just like when you lie that you don't care about the class. I know you do and I can tell, but I'm not going to meddle. I'll go and then you can do whatever you do."

Bakugo nods in approval at Todoroki's answer, extremely fucking thankful.

"Hell yeah, Halfie. I'll make your damn Soba and shitty mochi tonight. Now, you gotta go to Aizawa and tell him you're coming with me. We'll leave together, separate, meet up at seven, and then go grocery shopping before we come back. Okay?"

Todoroki just nods, doing what he said he would; not meddling.

Bakugo leaves after that, letting Todoroki change and then going with him to Aizawa so they don't have to meet up anywhere to leave campus.

Aizawa seemed way too happy that Todoroki was the one who was going with Bakugo for some reason and Bakugo wanted to punch both of them in their damn faces.

After leaving campus, Bakugo instructs Todoroki to stay around a certain area while he separates. He thinks about giving the taller teen some money to buy himself whatever, but the dude is rich. He doesn't need whatever amount of money Bakugo was going to give him.

Finally, around five, he ends up at his mom's grave, bouquet of flowers in hand and a smile on his face when he sits down, replacing the flowers from the previous week.

"Hey mom. I really needed this. This week fucking sucked, you have no idea. Dad forgot about me on Tuesday, but I can't really blame him," Bakugo starts, realizing that he doesn't blame his dad, "it's been hard without you. I ended up in Saitama without realizing."

He kind of cringes at that. It was embarrassing, honestly. Losing himself and then ending up waiting for his teacher in a place he'd never been to.

It was pathetic.

"It was his idea and he just forgot. I waited for him and then I got tired of waiting cause I thought he was still asleep, but no. He just forgot. My teacher had to go pick me up in Omiya Ward cause that's where I was. He put me in fucking therapy, didn't let me attend class for the rest of the week, and then he made someone come with me."

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