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한글 (hangeul) = korean dialogue.
english = english dialogue.


"으, 이 많은 사람들이 같은 날에 병에 걸리고 (ugh, all of these lot fall sick on the same day,)" aria was panicking, pacing around her office as she had so many unfinished jobs to do at once and the club was busy. meanwhile, sunoo was sat in her office doing some accountant work.

"클럽이 꽉 찼습니다 (come sunoo, the club's packed.)"

"근데 뭐- (but what-)"

"just come love come."

"근데 뭐 돕다? (but what help?)"

"당신이해야 할 일은 카드 기계 매트가 방법을 알려줄 것입니다 (nothing you just have to do the card machine matt will tell you how.)"

"어떻게 해야할지 모르겠어- (i don't know how to-)"

"matt will teach you my child we don't have time."

"근데- (but-)"

he got pushed out into the club area, flashing lights, music that could deafen you if put it one decibel higher.

"oh there he is finally come on," matt said in relief. "uh, okay um do you see that table over there with those two gentlemen?"

meanwhile, aria was shouting at her old accountant on the phone, telling him she found a new one and to delete her number.

"나는 그것이 어떻게 작동하는지 모른다- (i don't know how it works-)" sunoo said cluelessly even though he knew matt can't speak nor understand korean.

"just take this, it's very easy. just swipe it. go go go!" he urged him with a little nudge.

"왜 자꾸 나를 밀어 남자? (why do you keep pushing me man?)" sunoo mumbled to himself as he swiped the card, eyes squinting at the screen. "decline?"

he kept trying as he walked over to the table with the two gentlemen.

"excuse me, your card is-" when sunoo looked up to see it was sunghoon and jay who were drinking carelessly, his face scrunched up angrily.

"너! (you!)"

sunoo could remember that face anywhere. he doesn't know what was so significant about him though. maybe his pointy nose? clear complexion? moles? maybe it's the moles.

"wait a minute," sunghoon said as he looked up before continuing, "i know you!"

sunoo rolled his eyes, "예 예 (yes yes,) even i know you!"

"yeah it's from that other day it-"

sunoo slammed his card on the table.

"그랜드 호텔의 싸구려 주인 (a cheapskate owner of a grand hotel,)" sunoo clenched his fists.


"당신의 카드가 계속해서 거절당하고 있는 이 £60 를 누가 지불하겠습니까?! (who is going to pay this £60 that your card keeps declining for?!)"

"wait a second 너-너 댄서 아니야? (you- you're not a dancer?)"

"아니, 나는 회계사야! (no, i'm an accountant!)"

"oh! that makes sense," the older replied.

"청구서를 지불하십시오. 그리고 길을 잃다 (pay the bill. and get lost.)"

"of course of course!"

"any problem?" the bodyguard butted in.

"no no i have cash, i have cash," sunghoon said as he was getting his wallet out.

"no problem," jay did a thumbs up so the bodyguard could go away.

sunghoon put £80 on the table which he was going to count but then sunoo took it, walking away angrily.

"change?" sunghoon looked around, perplexed.

sunoo heard him and just shouted, "바보! (idiot!)"


"그는 내 머리를 쪼아 당신을 요구 (he's been pecking my head, asking for you,)" the bodyguard complained as he was guiding sunoo to the exit of the club.

"누구? (who?)" sunoo asked in response.

"직접 확인 (see for yourself,)" he said as he opened the door, revealing a drunk jay.

jay lifted his head up, face lighting up after he saw sunoo, "제발. 제발 한 번만 클럽 밖에서 그를 보고 싶어요(please. please, just one time i want to see him outside of the club please.)"

""누구? (who?)"

"jungwon please i've asked him hundreds of times he always rejects me. please just once i know he likes me."

"하지만 그는 내가 말하는 것만으로 오지 않을 것입니다- (but he won't come just by me saying it-)"

"그를 설득해주세요 (please convince him,)" jay got on his knees and clasped his hands together as if he was praying to sunoo.

"어이! 어이! (oi! oi!)"

"한번 물어보세요! (please ask him once!)"

"내가 말하는 것과 다를 바가 없을 것입니다 (look there'll be no difference from me saying it.)"

"i've seen him talking to you at every break."

"봐, 제발 신경 쓰지 마. 하지만 내가 할 수 있는 일이 없습니다. 선생님 제발 (look, please don't mind. but there's nothing i can do. sir please,)" sunoo asked the guard to escort him safely whilst he went for a walk down the road.

the only sound heard were sunoo's footsteps, the wind blowing, cars passing in a busy london. he then heard some footsteps behind him, squeezing his eyes shut as it was probably jay.

"봐 제발 그만 주장해- (look please stop insisting on-)" when he turned around he was met with taejoon.

his heart dropped.

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