twenty six.

215 24 14

korean dialogue = italics.
english dialogue = normal.


ever since sunghoon had to witness his dad's suicide, his mother got so protective of him.

even when he was caught vaping and smoking in high school, despite aunt sooah scolding him his mum still defended him. sunghoon was never the same as before after the death of his father, he was always quiet and would stay home most of the time. and when he wasn't home he'd just go out drinking.

when he got into university, his mum got him his very own motorbike, she had a feeling it would take all his stress away and she was right, he'd take it for a spin all the time.


sunoo, jungwon and jay were sitting at the café where jay and jungwon's first encounter was, when sunoo practically dragged jungwon there.

"uncle jumped right in front of his eyes," jay said as sunoo bit his nail and looked down.

"but why?" sunoo asked quietly. but jay just shrugged after that.

"the business was falling apart. and apart from grandma and sunghoon's mum, he had the responsibility of sunghoon's aunts too," jay explained.

"but all of these women having amazing business sense," sunoo said.

"i guess he never thought of it that way. he took all the pressure upon himself. and look at sunghoon's luck, he was right there right when it happened. his mum and aunts have become his shield now. and sometimes you can see the state of his heart in his eyes now."


and sunoo did. whilst they were all in his aunts minivan driving to a restaurant they made a reservation at, he could see how broken sunghoon was, but how he tries to hide it so he doesn't 'ruin it' for anybody else.

sunoo turned his head and looked at the older with sad eyes since he didn't want to do the plan he made up. sunghoon looked back, widening his eyes a little as if he was signalling for the latter to do it.

the younger bit his nail, hesitant. at that moment, a car came speeding past them.

"auntie careful!" sunghoon exclaimed.

sunoo bit his lip and finally went along with the plan, screaming out the window: "oi asshole don't you know how to drive bloody bastard?!"

everyone's jaws dropped, except sooah who smileds proudly, trying to hold in her laughter.

"sunoo! my daughters are here, watch your mouth!" aunt dahye said, which made sunoo look down and sit back in his seat next to sunghoon who was trying his hardest not to burst out laughing.

sunoo just punched his leg when nobody was looking.

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