twenty eight.

229 21 1

korean dialogue = italics.
english dialogue = normal.


when sunoo reached back home, which in reality was the bar - but still an amazing safe haven, he saw jay, jungwon and aria in their room, furrowing his eyebrows.

"it was his fault! he told me to meet jay ask him," jungwon exclaimed as he pointed at sunoo who just walked in.

sunoo gasped, pointing back, "whattt liar! i didn't do anything! i only introduced them!"

"uh one second who are you calling a liar?!"

"jungwon calm down," jay said quietly next to him.

"calm down why should i calm down?"

"i swear i didn't do anything," sunoo said as he turned to aria whilst jungwon just kept ranting.

aria squeezed her eyes shut before taking a deep breath, "enough! enough! quiet." she shouted, and then looked at jay, walking towards him.

"this is my club... not your pickup joint! just come walking in here! these kids are my pride!" she exclaimed as she pointed at jungwon before continuing: "they're my responsibility i love them."

"i know auntie. jungwon values that," jay replied - feeling guilty.

"does he value it?" she asked, walking up to the mentioned boy, "you value it by bringing him up here? fooling around behind my back with him?"

jungwon looked down, "i wasn't fooling around. i love jay," this made the older look at him.

jay looked back at aria, "and i love jungwon, auntie aria."

jungwon continued: "and, and he keeps bothering me to marry him," after seeing aria's face jungwon quickly carried on, "but... but i don't want to." he did want to.

"why?" aria asked, "why don't you wanna get married? jungwon, only the lucky few fall in love. learn to value it dear."

aria then sat them all down and told them her own love story, how she didn't say yes to what she wanted just because of her own foolishness and responsibilities.

after that, the woman got up and quickly went to jungwon, "get married."

the boy just looked down, "how can we get married auntie?"

aria sniffled, "we live in england! i'll get you two married grandly!"

sunoo's face lit before she continued, "with this..." she looked at jay who was sitting down.

"get up!" he quickly did.

"next time jay, come back only come when you bring your dad along to fix the wedding date. and when he knows me and him will split the wedding costs equally."

jay smiled as he nodded his head eagerly, and all four of them hugged each other tightly.

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