twenty one.

368 23 3

한글 (hangeul) = korean dialogue.
english = english dialogue.


sunoo and sunghoon sat on the rooftop dining area of a restaurant/café. sunghoon ordered him some food as he figured he might be hungry.

the older squinted his eyes as he read a piece of paper sunoo wrote something on. "i, park sunghoon, agree to pay kim sunoo a sum of £15,00," he read and just looked at the younger with a smile on his face, nodding his head before bursting out into laughter after seeing the latter's serious face.

"what is this?" he asked.

"oh hello, 이것은 내 인생 전체입니다. 내가 가진 모든 것은 이 계약에 있습니다. 돌아가서 할아버지와 함께 인생을 다시 시작하기 위한 자금입니다 (this is my entire life alright. everything i have is on this agreement; it's my fund for going back and restarting my life with grandpa,)" he sighed before continuing, "런던에 있는 큰 집을 사기 위해 수원시에 있는 작은 집을 팔고 그 태준에게 모든 돈을 주었다 (to buy a big house in london we sold the little one we had in suwon-si and gave all my money to that taejoon.)"

sunghoon just drank some of his beer.

"그나저나 들어봐, 내가 그 아주 특별한 팔찌를 차고 있었어. 맞아. 네 결혼식 날 네 어머니가 보통 너에게 주는 거 맞지? 그것이 엄마와의 마지막 기억이었다 (anyways listen, i was wearing those very special bracelets right those ones your mother usually give you on your wedding day? that was my last memory of my mum,)" he smiled - reminiscing about it.

the taller smiled once again, "sweet."

sunoo's face turned sour again.

"그는 그것들도 훔쳤습니다! 딕헤드... (he stole those aswell! dickhead...)" sunoo mumbled the last part.

"and that taejoon, you found him from a website?" sunghoon asked. the younger got pissed off.

"oi shut up 서명만 하면 됩니다 (you just sign this.)"

maybe the english lessons sunghoon was giving sunoo paid off in the insulting aspect.

"이것이 당신을 위해 무엇을 할 것입니까? 종이 한 장에 불과합니다 (what's this gonna do for you? it's just a piece of paper.)"

sunoo looked his 'husband' up and down: "어떻게 알아? (how do you know?)"

sunghoon put the piece of paper and pen down, "나는 변호사입니다 (i'm a lawyer,)" he said as he got up and walked away. sunoo's eyes widened, looking back.

"변호사?! 기다리다! 일초! (a lawyer?! wait! one second!)" he shouted as he grabbed the paper and some chips, running after the latter. he finally caught up to him.

"당신은 변호사입니까? (you're a lawyer?)"

"mhm. just.. i failed to pass the bar."

"무엇? (what?)"

"meaning uhhh... i don't have a license to practice law."

"근데 완전 변호사 흠? (but, you're a full lawyer hm?)" sunoo asked whilst still eating some chips.

"full lawyer."

the two were walking on the bridge, not taking their eyes off each other whilst toaking.


"then what ?"

"직업을 원하지 않습니까? (don't you want a job?)" sunoo asked.

"왜 내가해야합니까? (why should i?)"

sunoo furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "왜 안 돼? (why not?)"

"왜 (why?) you yeah 당신의 일에 집중하십시오 (focus on your work sunoo.)"

"무엇? 이것? (what? this?)" he asked as he pointed to that piece of paper.


"이것은 일종의 직업입니까? 그래 맞아 (this is some kind of job? yeah right.)" they both stopped and faced the sea.

sunoo then remembered something, touching sunghoon's shoulder as he stood in front of him: "내가 되고 싶었던 게 뭔지 알고 싶어? (do you wanna know what i wanted to become?)"

"hm?" sunghoon propped his elbows up on the fence, back facing the sea now so he could see sunoo's face.

"professor," sunoo smiled before continuing: "maths professor."

sunghoon just tilted his eyes as he looked at sunoo with 'really?' eyes. "can someone even be that boring?"

"oh hello, 교수는 캠퍼스에서 무료 주택을 얻습니다 (professors get free housing on campus,)" sunoo bragged to which the latter laughed softly to. the younger turned his head to look at the older before turning his whole body.

"무엇! (what!)"

"what?" sunghoon asked.

"what's so funny?"

"nothing nothing," sunghoon shook his head as he looked at sunoo once again - the two a bit closer now so his heart almost stopped whilst analysing his features.

"너 굉장하다, (you're amazing,) sunoo," he said as he looked at him in admiration, "어서 종이와 펜을 빨리 줘, 어서 (come on give me the paper and pen quickly, come on.)"

"mm," sunoo stuffed the last chip in his mouth, "i have a pen."

"of course," sunghoon replied as he watched him rummage through his backpack for it.

he opened it and gave it to the older before turning around and patting his back, gifting it as support for something to write on. whilst sunghoon was signing it, he just looked at the younger's side profile. there was something about him.

"할아버지가 내가 담배를 피운다는 사실을 알게 된다면... (if my grandpa finds out i smoked... i'm dead.)"

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