Chapter 32: Unstoppable

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"Thank God, it's over."


Finals was officially over and done with. Summer break was here and I couldn't wait to just chill for the next couple of months.

Practically every student was at the Crown Oak celebrating the completion of exams, including the circle. Apart from me and Byron, we hadn't seen each other all that much these past several weeks — all of us were too busy with academics.

It had already been a few years, but it still caught me off guard to think that I was studying this hard for good grades.

"Speak for yourselves," Byron groaned, leaning back. "I'll be working in D.C. for the summer. Two months of diplomacy and bullshit."

Arisa snorted. "What are you talking about? That's your specialty. You'll thrive."

Byron sent her a semi-sarcastic smile. "Thanks."

"Bet you it'll just be like Game Of Thrones," I said.

"Or worse," he muttered, before taking a sip of his glass of bourbon.

"Politics is a tricky game," Gwen chided in.

Yash nodded. "Indeed."

"Speaking of politics," Byron started, looking at us warily, "did you hear about Senator Adder's newest advocacy?"

We exchanged looks, knowing we did hear about it. It was hard not to, considering it was all over the news these past few months.

Senator Adder had been trying to enforce laws that would put down all gangs in the state for what happened to his son.

This was all because the prisoner that killed Holden had been tied to a criminal organization that was presumed to want an eye for an eye. It was found out that Senator Adder had a few of their members disappear in order to protect his son. But this last part was only speculation on Gwen's part.

Now Adder was out to get them. Revenge was a never ending cycle. It truly was the damndest thing.

"That's a war I'm glad I'm not a part of," I said truthfully. I was done with all of that shit.

Despite everything Holden had done, I still felt a little bad for the kid. Nobody deserved to die like that, beaten to death in the bathroom stall. So I understood where his father was coming from.

It was just sad all around.

"I would personally have your ass if you were," Byron replied. "I've had more than enough action in this life."

To be honest, I couldn't agree more.

"And yet, you're joining a different battle this summer," Arisa pointed out, looking amused.

"That's more like a game of chess, though."

"What are you plans this summer, Ari?" Gwen asked. "Have you told your parents you're not going to pursue law?"

I looked at my girlfriend, waiting for her answer.

She shook her head. "Not yet. I'm planning to tell them after graduation, right before they head back to Manila. That way, I won't have to deal with the aftermath."

"You're not coming with them?" I asked.

"No, I have to come back here early to prep for the research program I joined for my Master's."

"In that case..." I trailed off, hesitating because Byron, Gwen, and Yash were all looking at me and I kind of wished Arisa and I were alone.

"Spit it out," Yash urged — annoyingly, if I might add. I shot him a glare, to which he only smirked.

Ah, fuck it.

"Do you want to spend your summer with me in Mount Valley?"

My heart was beating so damn fast. Taking her there was a huge step for me. Granted, her bringing me along to her home country was an even bigger step. Still, this was making a statement.

She was about to meet the crew, for fuck's sake.

If she said yes.

"Will you take me to that diner you're always raving about?" she asked me.

I grinned. "We'll eat there everyday."

She laughed. "Deal."

"I'll miss you guys," Gwen gushed, glancing at everyone. She pouted, her eyes welling up and looking like she was about to cry. "I don't know why, but I got more attached to you this school year."

"It's trauma-bonding," Yash said.

"No, it's not!" she argued.

Byron tilted his head. "It kind of is. But I'm not complaining," he added, glancing at me.

I instantly knew he said so that I wouldn't blame myself for the shit show that was our first year of law school. Despite the drama and near-death experiences, there was a lot of good that happened as well. I couldn't disregard that.

"Don't worry, Gwen," Arisa said, putting an arm around our usually cheerful friend. "You're stuck with us for the next few years."

Gwen laughed and wiped a tear in the corner of her eye, before reaching out to her glass on the table and raising it up. "To us!"

We all raised our drinks.

"To friendship!"

"To fun times."

"To a memorable year."

"To the lives lost too soon."

I could feel their eyes on me, but I focused on the glass in my hand. I didn't feel like explaining myself. And I knew I didn't really have to.

We clinked our glasses together, the sound of it serving as an ending to a chapter in our lives.

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