Chapter 22: Wicked Games

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"What the hell, man?"

My best friend looked at me in disbelief.

"And you didn't think to tell me all this shit before?"

I shrugged. "Thought I'd deal with it myself."

"Sure." He looked at me skeptically. "Ignoring it is dealing with it."

He shook his head and let out a deep sigh, turning his attention around the room.

"Aw, don't pout," I told him. "People might think I'm breaking up with you."

The corner of his mouth twitched, daring a smile. But he got distracted when a family of five walked in. They looked like the kind of family Oz had, cold and snooty. To be fair, though, his siblings cared – in their own fucked up way.

"Why did you choose this place again?" he asked, facing me. "Didn't think this was your style."

We were in some fancy ass restaurant in a hotel in Boston. Hanging out with the circle made me see and appreciate the finer things in life, like dining in a five-star place (hey, the food is fucking awesome).

I used to not give a shit since I grew up in a small town, where luxury-living was on the down low. Hell, I think there were only about five houses in my gated neighborhood in total.

"I like the food," I replied, right before taking a chewable size of medium rare steak inside my mouth. Fuck me, it was as if it was melting.

I haven't had steak in weeks. I tried to only eat Filipino food while Arisa and I were in the Philippines. I fucking loved Filipino food. Serve me a fried-style oily adobo and I'd eat it everyday. But man, eating this delicious steak really hit me in all my soft spots.

Oz crossed his arms as he stared at me from across the table. "Did you talk to them?"

I nodded. Swallowing my food, before answering, "The sick fuck went after them first."

Turned out, one of my former brothers had his other phone on him. The fucking dumbass took videos and photos from that night. He managed to delete the videos but forgot the photos. Yeah, an idiot.

When the anonymous avenger went after him, he gave those up to stop the torment. I didn't think he had it in him, since he was the one who hired the lawyer and played hardball in the court.

I guess the guilt ate him up eventually.

"So you're the last target," Oz said.

A crooked smile creeped up my lips, but it didn't reach my eyes. "Guess he saved the best for last."

I stopped and blinked in realization.

"Dude, if this is the final stage, then I'm the boss."

Oz looked at me like he didn't know whether to laugh or facepalm so hard that his palm was embedded on his face.

"Can you ask Clyde to look into Mauri's family?"

This couldn't be a random person who just decided to go all fucking Carrie on some former fraternity members. This had motive. This had purpose.

This had revenge written all over it.

"I already did. His P.I. didn't find anything unusual – raised by a single mom, good grades, great kid, has the athletic gift. So he reached out to the alum who recommended Mauri for the scholarship."

"What for?"

"He wanted to be thorough. Good thing, too. Your boy wasn't a random recruit. The alum was forced to recommend him."

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