Chapter 14: Better With You

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I did not think this shit through.

When I talked to Arisa last Halloween, I hadn't really thought about the time I needed to invest in actually 'wooing' her. I got the hang of balancing school and football, but add dating to the mix?

Yeah, it was a fucking challenge.

I figured I shouldn't waste precious time just because I was too busy to see her, so I sent food and flowers to her place every other day. On the fifth day I sent her a bouquet of roses, she asked me to send her plants instead because 'flowers wilted too fast.'

She never complained about the food, though.

"Yo, Alfie!"

I was on my way out of the locker room when Holden called. I stopped and looked up from my phone. We were both fresh out of the shower, having just won a game against Columbia.

"We're going to Crown Oak to celebrate," he said. "You coming?"

Every once in a while, the team had drinks at the pub because they knew I preferred it there. Usually, I'd go with them... but not tonight.

"Nah, man. I have plans."

Oz wouldn't fucking let me live this down if he knew I was passing up a chance to drink and party on a Saturday night – for a girl. But this was the only night Arisa and I were both free. My Sunday was already booked up. Literally.

Life of a grad student.

"Does this plan involve a girl?" Holden teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

I smirked, and merely said, "See you on Monday."

I stopped by the apartment to drop off my things before heading to MIT to pick up Arisa. I parked my Lambo near the main entrance of the Stata Center and leaned on the passenger's door while I waited for her.

MIT had that same vibe of prestige like Harvard did, but with more modern buildings. While the university I attended would make you feel like you traveled back in time with its old buildings, here it would make you feel like you stepped into the future – all clean and well structured.

Not many students were around campus at this time of night. Then again, it was a Saturday. They were probably at a party somewhere.

I pulled out my phone and texted Arisa.

Your chariot awaits.

Are you the horse?

Only if you'll ride me. ;)

I like to ride all night. I don't think you have the stamina. :(

Try me.

Lol, no thanks. I'm on my way out.

After a few minutes, I saw her coming out of the building. She was wearing a huge beige coat over a black overalls and white shirt underneath, completing the get up with white sneakers. She looked so damn cozy that all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her and hug the hell outta her.

Hmm, maybe later.

Arisa smiled at seeing me, and shook her head in amusement.

"What?" I asked, opening the passenger's door for her.

She stopped and looked up at me intently, tilting her head. "I never thought we'd be going on a date."

I pursed my lips. "Don't feel too honored."

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