Chapter 4: Nice To Meet Ya (past)

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Ah, fuck.

That hit the spot.

I breathed out and watched the smoke come out from my mouth. Smoking weed always relaxed me when I needed to chill out.

I was drained as fucking hell.

The initiation process for the secret society was a mindfuck. I was told it was different for every recruit. Mine sucked major ass. Physically, I was doing great. There were no humiliation tactics or dangerous pranks like I went through when I was a pledge in my former fraternity.

But mentally? Holy fucking shit. I thought I was going insane at some point. And the tests (yeah, plural) went on for four goddamn weeks.

I had to memorize latin phrases while I was pissed drunk (it was hard to get me drunk, so I just acted like I was).

I had to recite the constitution word for word while I wore headphones with heavy metal screaming at my ears – for hours.

I had to study all the current politicians and royal families of every nation in the whole world while I was at a strip club with a sexy as hell woman dancing fucking naked in front of me.

I was locked up in a dungeon-like room that was creepy as hell, required to read three world history books all damn night using only a flashlight.

Oh, did I mention the best part? I wasn't allowed to leave until I answered every question correctly.

And fucking Byron went through some shit like that? Mad respect.

I remember him wearing the biggest grin when he walked in the living room and handed me the letter that said I got in. I wanna say we celebrated right away, but I just breathed a sigh of relief and spent some quality time with my bed.

The backdoor of the pub suddenly opened, and I watched a pretty girl drag an average-looking guy by his hand. I looked up and down the empty alley. It was dark and cold, with the cobble-stoned ground wet from the rain.

Were they gonna do it here? Whoa, ballsy.

The girl pushed the dude against the brick wall, and he looked nervous. Huh, maybe they weren't gonna bang.

"Stop stalking me," she hissed.

"I had to see you. I miss y—"

"We're over," she deadpanned. "We've been over for months."

"Not for me," he replied, shaking his head stubbornly.

Yikes. I bet he's gonna beg.

"Please, give me another chance. I swear I'll do anything you want."

Aw, dude. Where are your balls?

"Please, Ar—"

He yelped in pain.

Oh, shit. She just kicked him in the fucking balls. My lips stretched into a grin, and I quietly chuckled to myself. No wonder he didn't have them anymore.

The poor guy crouched in pain, clutching his nonexistent nuts.

"I want you to stay out of my life." She grabbed his hair, making him look at her. "You hid a camera inside my bathroom, Johann. You should be thankful my roommate noticed it when she was cleaning."

Damn, that was some sick shit. Yeah, he deserved his balls to be squashed.

I took one last drag before killing the smoke and throwing it on the ground. I crushed it with my foot, while I listened some more.

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