i. wasn't kaveh's fault

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now messaging:kaveh hater

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now messaging:
kaveh hater

hi fellow kaveh hater 😄🫶

kaveh hater
I told you to delete my number.

well about that.....

i promise i was

but then i realized kaveh was kinda right and was kinda like "oh em gee i do need friends"

so i didn't delete it 🤗

you're my new texting buddy now btw

kaveh hater
I did not agree to this.


sorry bro but you're stuck with me

two peas in a pod

kaveh hater
If you won't delete my number, I'll just block you.


boring 👎

who else are we going to talk to about kaveh?

what i thought.

kaveh hater
Unlike you, I can say it right to his face.

Now goodbye.

message not delivered.

message not delivered.

i'll get you to unblock me one way or another 🤬
message not delivered.

• • •

"THIS ASSHOLE!" you shouted across your dorm, startling your roommate, layla. she gazed at you lazily, eyebrows creasing.

the two of you were in the middle of studying when you decided to go on your phone to bother the random number from last night. layla was half asleep, her eye-bags prominent from exhaustion. her hand feverishly gripped her pen, sighing at your sudden outburst.

"why'd you shout?" layla questioned, yawning.

you sighed, placing your phone down on the table. "a fellow kaveh hater blocked me for no reason," you grumbled, grabbing your pen and twirling it between your fingers. "i only wanted a new friend..."

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