v. rain rain go away

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loverboy <3
ready whenever u r

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you let in a breath, and released it slowly. these types of talks need to happen.

pressing the call button, your knees bounced anxiously as it rung.

once, twice, thrice times.

at the fourth ring, he picked up.

"hey," he greeted, shuffling heard on his side of the line.

"hi," you greeted back, a sad smile on your face. even in times like this, he made your heart flutter. "how are you?"

"good. how 'bout you?" he asked.

"i'm okay. can we talk?"

"straight to the point, huh?"

you hitched in a breath at his laid-back attitude. did he not care, or even remember, what happened earlier?

"okay. genuinely, i don't know why you had gotten so worked up earlier. was it something i did or said?"

"i told you i was busy, and you were annoying me," he replied cooly, the shrug in voice evident.

"you used to warn me before whenever you were busy. why didn't you do that this time?"

"i dunno know. just forgot, i guess."

you sighed, pressing your fingers between the bridge of your nose. "that doesn't give you the excuse to become a dick. if something's bothering you, tell me."

he chuckled, his voice scratching at every breath. "i'm just fine. you worry too much."

you knew this attitude too well. it occurred more often than you liked and was almost always at the most inappropriate time. "are you high right now?" you asked skeptically, leaning back on the park bench.

scaramouche let out a chuckle, humming. "just a lil'. you know how it is sometimes."

you sigh, shaking your head. "díos mio, i get you have issues and use certain, substances, to cope occasionally, but i don't think tonight was the appropriate time to get high, kuni."

he only hummed in response, a small scratchy laugh enticing from his mouth. "my fault, y/n."

you ran a hand through your hair, frustrated. "we can talk this weekend. i'll come over to your place so we can properly talk. you're not in the right state of mind and i need sleep," you explained.

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