ix. he's ugly anyway

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"y/n?" layla called, peering her head into your room

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"y/n?" layla called, peering her head into your room.

you were curled up on your bed in a fetal position in sweatpants and scaramouche's hoodie. it had been three days since scaramouche and you ended the relationship, and you were not taking it well.

there was no closure, no true reason, no final end as to why you and him had to end things.

"hm?" you uttered out, your throat dry from crying.

layla's eyebrows creased at your voice. "when was the last time you drank any water?" she asked, leaning on your door frame.

you shrugged your shoulders, mindlessly scrolling through yours and scaramouche's old text messages. three whole year's were now down the drain.

"you have a class later today," she reminded, placing a glass of water on your night stand. "please eat something before heading out. oh, and take a shower..."

you sighed, curling into yourself more. "thanks," you mumbled, placing your phone down and cuddling into your pillow.

layla frowned and let out a soft sigh. she hated seeing you so broken. everyone knew scaramouche wasn't a good guy for you, but you believed wholeheartedly that you could "save" him; even if it was just a little bit. of course, everyone supported your decision because you looked so happy.

now your cheeks are stained with tears, you haven't showered, your appetite has been lost entirely, and you could feel your heart shatter at anything that reminded you of him.

layla sat at the corner of your bed, resting her hands on your mattress. "i'm always here to help you. if you ever need to talk, or just need someone to keep you company, i'm always here," she said softly, glancing at your figure worriedly.

you hummed, feeling tears prick your eyes once again. it wasn't because of your ex this time, but because of the sheer kindness all your friends have given you during this time of need.

the blue-haired astronomer sat up from your bed and walked to your door, taking another look at your disheveled figure. "i'm heading to my class right now. i'll see you after, okay?"

you could only hum again. the door closed gently, the click echoing in the strangely quiet room. you were left alone again, with your thoughts.

there wasn't anything for you to do. well, you needed to do quite a but. yet, there's truly nothing for you to want to do.

instead, you stayed curled in a fetal position, letting the tears leave your body once more. this sucked.

• • •

now messaging:

I know the girls are probably on top of it, but I want to show her our appreciation too. 😕

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