iii. the catch-up's

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you placed your phone down as the figure approached

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you placed your phone down as the figure approached. glancing up, your eyes widened and a smile plastered onto your face as the familiar chocolate-haired friend walked up to you.

her hair was down as per-usual, a black leather jacket on top of a cropped red turtleneck top. black flared-jeans with a chain and dark brown combat boots completed the outfit perfectly. she always had amazing style and sometimes created outfits for you when you struggled.

"hey y/fi (your first initial)," dehya greeted, grinning as her k-9's shimmered slightly.

you smiled, waving at her. "hi D! i didn't think you'd be on campus today."

"i had classes. i was bored and headed to the nearest coffee shop just to find my best friend all alone." she explained, taking a seat in front of you with her warm cup of what your presumed was tea.

you chuckled, playing with your fingers. "i was suppose to meet someone, but they had to cancel last minute."

"your boyfriend?" she asked, her icy blue eyes staring into yours.


dehya sighed, taking a sip of her drink. "i just don't understand how you can put up with him for this long. he's so... closed off. and you could do so much better than him!"

"i know, i know. kaveh's been up my ass about it all morning," you grumbled, staring down at your nails. "you can't control who you fall in love with."

dehya nodded. "that's true. however, you can control whether or not how they treat you. as an outsider perspective, all i see are red flags."

"everyone else said that too! i swear you guys are like parrots who mimic each other!"

dehya let out a hearty laugh, clenching her stomach. you laughed along with her, covering your mouth from being any louder. tears pricked the corners of dehya's eyes, only making you laugh harder.

the few people who were in the café stared awkwardly at the two of you. dehya and you paid no mind to them. your laughs echoed throughout the café, disturbing the quiet atmosphere.

"why was that... so funny??" dehya asked in between breaths of air, her toothy-grin never leaving her face.

"i don't know!" you exclaimed, taking a deep breath to calm yourself. dehya took a swig of her drink to distract herself from laughing even more. you smiled, taking a sip of f/d.

"now y/n," dehya started, placing her drink on the table. you copied her actions while adjusting your posture.

she places her head in her hands, elbows on the table. "how are scaramouche and you?"

you leaned back, sighing. "we're okay, i guess. i haven't seen him in almost a month because he keeps canceling plans on me."

dehya leaned back as well, sighing. "i can always punch him."

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