xi. exes & the oh's

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now messaging:


cmon dont leave me on read u goober

oh no

hi childe


sooooo dont shoot the messenger 😣


ur lil bowl-cut ex bf wants u back!

but is too pussy to tell u himself!

i'm going to block you


hear him out

or me

idk im just the messenger 🕊️

i'll hear him out if he wants to use his big boy words himself 😄

won't shoot the messenger, but one more message from a messenger will have all other messengers blocked 😄

the messenger will now message the original sender 🫡



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"nilou i might just lose my marbles!" you exclaimed, scratching your head in irritation.

nilou sighed, taking a sip of her coffee. "please do. this people pleasing hurts me."

it's been a little over a week since scaramouche and you broke up. you've been doing a little better day by day, but you couldn't say the same for scara. every day, a friend of his (who still have your number for whatever reason) would sneak their way into your contacts, messaging how he wants to get back together with you.

no, you don't believe them. no, you refuse to give them the possibility he has a chance.

yes, you'd rather hear it out of his mouth. yes, the thought of taking him back has crossed your mind more than three times.

nilou and you were at a local coffee shop, revising notes for your shared math class. well, nilou at least was. you had bigger issues on your hands than math problems.

"i can't believe that for the past few days his friends have just been texting me suddenly. seriously, he needs to do things himself," you complained, taking a sip of your own drink.

nillu shrugged, typing away on her laptop. "why don't you text him yourself?"

"and succumb under this unconscious pressure? no thank you!"

you slumped onto the table, absolutely defeated. it was a pain. he was being a pain. if he'd just text you like a normal person, none of this would be happening!

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