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Time skipped.....

Everyone gathered in the living room and then Namjin also came down shyly and sat down.

Mrs. J: son what's your decision??

Namjoon: while smiling mom i m ready for this marriage....😊

Mrs. K:  my baby are you agree with our decision?

Jinnie: yes mom and hugged her

Tae: i m so happy for you noona but i really miss you when you gone ...☹️

Jinnie: ohh my baby don't worry i came to meet you ohk but i not going today so don't be emotional.....🙂

Jungkook drooling over tae and looking at her features she had a white milky skin her sparkel eyes and mole in eyes water line her nose and her cherry red lips..which he want to taste....🤤

Then Namjoon tapped on his shoulder to came back from his world ...

Namjoon: where you lost??

Jk: nothing hyung, i don't know what i feel .....forget it bro i m so happy for you.. congratulations.....🎉🎉

Mrs.k: come i will show you your rooms...
(Everyone followed her and she told their rooms)
Jungkook son your is beside taehyung if you want something than ask her ohk....

Jk: yeah don't worry aunty if i need something i will asked her
Mrs.kim nodded and left from their.

His evil mind thinking something then jinnie comes to his room with waterjug

Jinnie: here , have a good sleep

Jk: bhabhi ....... Can i call you bhabhi

Jinnie: ok.. say shyly

Jk: Do you really like my brother or its a force marriage you can tell me if you want...

Jinnie: no no its not like that, my parents always thinks our happiness and its my decision to getting married with your brother....

Jk: thankyou so much bhabhi you are the best like hyung...😊😊

Jinnie: now you sleep i m going....

Then jinnie left and jungkook laid on bed and drifted to his dreamland...

At lunch time:-

Everyone ups except jungkook

Mrs. J: Tae can you please awake jungkook ....

Tae hesitate but say yes and go to his room for wake him up...she see that jungkook sleep shirtless her face getting heated ..... And she think how to wake him up.

Tae: jungkook wakeup everyones waiting for you ....but jungkook sleep or should i say acting to sleep taehyung came forward him and shake his shoulder
Then Jungkook wraps her in his arms and hugs her back and keeps his face on her neck and smells her.Taehyung is shocked when everything happens suddenly.She tries to free herself but Jungkook holds her tight.

Jk: you know what you smell like a strawberry which i want to eat..

Tae: what are you doing leave me .... Just leave me .......

Jungkook just want to tease her ....Now he leaves her and she runs away from him and he started laughing.....Then he gets up from the bed and goes to freshen up...

Time skipped:-

Jungkook comes downstairs and everyone sits down to have lunch, Jinnie and Mrs. Kim does serving a food...

Jungkook sits in front of Taehyung and stares at her when she catches his eye and he winks at her , she ignore him and silently eating her food....

After Lunch:-

Everyone was sitting in the living room and planning the engagement date.

Mr.j: We have come here only for a week so we get them engaged in days

Mr.k: Ohk so i will call the priest and asked him about a good day for engagement

Mrs. K: ohk thats good so we should prepare everything and you four go and purchase your dresses tomorrow

Tae: mom can i invite my friends also?

Jk: mom i also want to invite my friends too...

Mrs.j&k: ohk you both can invite your friends ......( Both are very and hug each other in happiness .. when they realise and leave each other with an awkward silence)
Jinnie looking at them and thinking about their is something fishy.....😜😜

In the other side:

Jinnie and namjoon sitting in the back yard....

Jinnie: so tell me about something like what you likes and dislikes.... ( She ask while shying)

Namjoon: so love our business and you can say i m workaholic person me and jungkook do anything to make our company best and in a top ....

Jinnie: that's great and i really appreciate your works dad tell me everything about your family
And i also know that they are not your real parents

Namjoon: yeah but they love me more than my parents...😊
Well you are also not his real daughter, right?

Jinnie: yeah same like you they also love more than my parents
Usually my parents beat me and when they know about it they always saved me from them.. but one day my parents come from the party and my dad was driving while drunk and they collide with a truck and both died .
Till then to now my parents (Mr.kim &Mrs. Kim) adopted me and giving all the love what i wanted ....

Namjoon: you know what we both are same that's why god wants that we get together....😊😊

Both chukled and its evening so they back to inside the house...

(Mr.k look at the couple coming from outside)
Mr.k: ohhh my dears come have a seat so priest telling me date of your engagement it will be held on after 3 days.

Mrs.j : it means we had not much time ..

Mrs.k: don't worry we are here to prepare and helping you....(both smile at each other)....❤️❤️
Night falls and everyone goes to sleep after dinner.

To be continue.....

Hey buddies
I hope you love this story ...❤️❤️
Till then stay tune with me 😊😍
I purple you 💜💜💜💜

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