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Sorry for the late update ....☹️
And thankyou for waiting.....❤️❤️


It's morning 9:30am:
Everyone is up and sitting in the dining area having breakfast because today Jeon's has a flight at 11:00 to go to Korea..

But jungkook still sleeping....Everything that happened in the night was all her dreams, nothing really happened, (so don't think that both proposed to each other . Okay let me tell you what happened last night)


Last night:-

When Taehyung's foot slipped, he fell on top of Jungkook but the kiss between them didn't happen as she fell on his chest and when she stood up, she saw that it was Jungkook
Tae: I'm sorry actually i didn't see you and my foot slipped .......(she tried to explain by moving his hand that it looked so cute to jungkook, he smiled)

Jk: It's ok  ,are you alright?? Do you have any pain...show me .....

Tae: hey,it's ok i didn't get hurt i'm alright ......  (She smiled to make his heart beat like a bullet train)....ohh i forgot i came to fetch water...(She draws water and Jungkook keeps looking at her side profile and smiles like an idiot.) by the way what are you doing here so late in the night you need something...

Jk: Ohh I was not able to sleep so I was going out for fresh air and there was noise in the kitchen so I went to see...

Tae: ok .... Can i join you for a walk..... it's ok if you want to go alone ...

Jk: you think too much.. shall we go..? ( She nodded and both go out )

Both were walking in the lawn silently, which Jungkook didn't like, so he broke the silence....

Jk: so what is your hobby .......and your fav color or what food you like ?....
(He looks at her and knows that she is blushing and has her eyes down.... Actually he likes it  when she blushes.)

Tae: My hobby is painting and singing.....and color is purple..and food i like to eat every type of food..(She looks at him and a question has been running in her mind for a while and she hesitates a bit:)  Do you have a girlfriend..... (She waits for his reply but he says nothing) If you don't want to tell me, don't tell me, I am going anyway, it's already late....

As soon as she turns to go inside, Jungkook holds her hand and makes eye contact with her and   says  "NO I don't have" saying that he goes inside the house leaving Taehyung blushed...They both go to their room and sleep.

Present time :-

Present time :-

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Tae's outfit:-

Tae's outfit:-

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As usual Jungkook is still sleeping and everyone else is waiting for him in the dining area. Taehyung comes downstairs and sees everyone is there except Jungkook. Mrs. Jeon sees Taehyung and tells her to wake up jungkook She nods and she goes to Jungkook' s room and sees how cute he looks while sleeping.She shakes him a bit but Jungkook whines and turns to the other side.
She pushes him off the bed and he falls to the floor and rubs his bum. He hears laughter and sees Taehyung laughing at him. He stands up and walks over to Taehyung who stops laughing when she sees Jungkook walking up to her.

Jk: Why did you push me..you could have woken me up better look my bum is hurting because of you .....(He says painfully and or should I says that he is acting)

Tae: Sorry but I didn't get a better option than this so I pushed you......you crack coconut head.....(she says  while controlling her laugh)...

Jk: what did you say to me......coconut head now let me tell you who coconut head .....(she chases him and Jungkook runs after her across the room to catch her But As soon as he catches her, Jungkook dis balanced and he keeps holding on to Taehyung because of which they both fall on the bed and their lips touch each other.
Only their lips touch and anything else and both look at each other in shock and due to fall the bed also breaks...🤣)

Taehyung first breaks the lips touch but Jungkook remembers his dream in which he proposes to Taehyung and kisses her… his face turns red thinking this and Taehyung face turns red because of a sudden touch...

Tae: Ev... Every.. everyone is waiting for you ...c...come ..fast...She runs away as soon as she says this.

Time skipped:-

Jungkook's outfit:-

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Jungkook's outfit:-

Everyone is having breakfast peacefully, Jungkook has also come and he is also having breakfast but he is continuously looking at Taehyung as if his whole life depends on her . Taehyung also feels his gaze When she meets his eyes, both of them feel butterflies and remember the morning incident, due to which both of their faces turn red.

But there was someone else  who was watching them happily she is none other than Mrs. Jeon  She looks at both of them and understands their feelings but she decides to talk Jungkook alone when she goes back to Korea..

Time skipped to the airport:-

Everyone hugs each other and the Jeons get on their private jet one by one But Jungkook goes in last and he looks back at Taehyung and waves with a cute smile , Seeing this, Taehyung's eyes well up with tears, which she herself does not know why and she also waved back to him ...

Now Jeon's private jet takes off  and The Kims family comes back home and Taehyung runs to his room and starts crying after locking the room but she doesn't understand why she is crying. Then her eyes fall on the night stand where a letter is kept and  she goes to the  night stand and sees that there is a box beside it, she wiped her tears and she picks up the letter and starts reading it.
You want to know what is written in that letter….so stay with me and give me some ideas about  romantic and whipped jungkook ....😅😅
And sorry again for the late update ....🙏🏻🙏🏻
So buddies hope you like this part .....👍🏻❣️
I purple you.....💜💜

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