{part -5}

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Taehyung shakes Jungkook as he is lost in his own world

Tae : where are you lost aunty has been calling you since...

Don't get confused, it was just a dream of Jungkook, they haven't proposed yet. 😂😂

Jk: Nowhere, I am going......
and he runs away from her

Its time for couple dance
And all the 3 friend of tae enjoy solo dance....

Tae  gets nervous as she has to dance with Jungkook and the song starts. He puts his hand on her waist and she puts her hand on his shoulder and dancing with beat.

Jungkook looks at her deeply and Tae feels his gaze and she looks at him and they both make eye contact and she blushed.He puts his face on her neck, she get panics, but Jungkook rubs her waist softly, which calms her down. He whispered in her ears with his huskily voice, she feel his breath on her ears and butterflies dancing on her tummy...☺️☺️

Jk: what magic did you cast on me?? ...
Tae: huh? I-I think mom wanted help from him....she freed from him and running with red flustered face...😂

After dinner all the functions get over and everyone goes home and sleeps well.

(All the friends of taekook go back to their respective home and hotels)

Next day:-

Namjin or Taekook travel after breakfast because Namkook doesn't came to India,they visits historical monuments and clicks photos and taekook decided to give them privacy....

Their looks:

Namjoon looks:

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Namjoon looks:

Jungkook looks:

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Jungkook looks:

Jungkook looks:

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Jinnie looks:

Taehyung look:(Images are not mine credit goes to real owner)

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Taehyung look:
(Images are not mine credit goes to real owner)

Jk: you know you are very stubborn...

Tae: ( She rolls her eyes and comes to him and says).....and you know what you are pervert...🙄

Jk: But I haven't done anything like that yet😏😏
(He smirks and goes closer to her and pulls her by the waist).... so tell me how much pervert i am..😉

Tae: leave me let me go .....( Trying to free herself)

Jk: ohk baby girl (he whispers in her ear with his husky voice  and he leaves her)

Time skipped:

They enjoy a lot and go back home and Tomorrow the Jeons family will go back to South Korea.......

It's night time Everyone is sleeping in their room  and taehyung wakes up and feels thirsty, but when she sees that there is no water in the jug, she goes to the kitchen. But when she gets water from the fridge, she feels that someone is standing behind her, so that she gets scared and she attacks the jug, but at the same time her foot slips and she falls on the person standing in front and her lips touch his lips and she is shocked when he releases that it is none other than Jungkook
but none of them move but when she tries to get up, he grabs her waist and kisses her real which shocks her even more but she does not respond a kiss seeing this, Jungkook stops kissing her and helps her to stand up.

Jk: I'm sorry .....( He lowered his head down ) I didn't want to make you uncomfortable but I couldn't control myself actually you want to say something to you don't know when we will meet what can I say??

She nodded and her face became red, he probably knows what Jungkook is going to say and don't think she hates him no never she also like him should I say she also love him but she is afraid  that if Jungkook doesn't love her then if he just friends her or just enjoys her but Whenever Jungkook is near her, her heart beats faster and her face becomes red.....

Jk: Ta.. Taehyung actually I..I..I want to say th..that I Love You and i really mean to ,you know you've taken over my heart, my mind, my everything since I first saw you, that's love at first sight I want to share my life with you, my everything, if you throw tantrums, I can tolerate that too, if you don't love me its ohk but I still love you .....😊😊

After hearing all this, tears come in her eyes and she hugs him dont think its sad tears it's happy tears she also can't control her feelings and attached her lip to his , After processing what just happened he also kissed her back and both kissed with love and both back away

Tae: jungkook , I ..I love you too , I was a little scared whether you would love me or not or if you used to tease me for your own fun....That's why I didn't want to come near you and control my own feelings but I love you so much......
And tomorrow you all will leave, I will miss you a lot. (She gets sad and hugs him tight and starts crying )  .....please don't go ( then he calms her down They both go to the living room and both sit on the couch. Taehyung puts her head on his shoulders and she hugs him securely and they both talk the whole night as soon as morning comes, the light also starts coming from the window.)

Jk: It's morning, now you should go to your room and rest..
(She nodded And she stands and is  ready to go but Jungkook pulls her towards him and he kisses her and she also responds.)
Hey buddies i hope you like this part ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Stay tuned with me to know what will be coming in the next part....❣️❣️❣️

If i do any mistakes pls tell me ......🤞

I purple you💜💜💜

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