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At dinning table:-

Everyone is sitting in the dining area and Taehyung, Jinnie and mrs.kim Serving food to everyone When Taehyung serves Jungkook, he deliberately drops his spoon and bends down to pick it up and smirk at Taehyung and winks, making Taehyung's face turn red and she widens her eyes and walks towards the kitchen.

Mrs.j: what happened to her... Kookie did you do anything....🤨

Jk: No mom, I didn't do anything.🥺 He say so innocently ....

Mrs.kim calls Taehyung And everyone has dinner and then goes to their room.But Taehyung sits in the living room and she prepares her shopping list.... just then Jungkook comes down from his room. And he sees that Taehyung is sitting alone, so he has a crazy idea in his mind And he slowly walks towards her and hides behind the sofa where Taehyung is sitting and then makes different noises which scares Taehyung.

Tae: Look who you are, whoever you are, I'm not afraid..... (Jungkook starts making strange noises again, which makes Taehyung even more scared)...... please i'm scared of whoever you are .....(And she starts crying seeing which Jungkook comes in front of her and hugs her.)

Jk: I'm sorry please I just wanted to joke I didn't know you would start crying I'm really sorry please ......(When Taehyung hears Jungkook's voice, she calms down a bit and starts punching him).....auuchhh I got hurt, I said, I will not do it again, please forgive me this time.... but Taehyung keeps punching her, but Jungkook holds her hand. And they both disbalance and fall on the couch (Jungkook  on top and Taehyung  on the bottom).

Both look at each other and get lost in each other..Jungkook goes closer to her and Taehyung closes your eyes.And he goes even closer to her so that both of their noses touch and Jungkook looks at Taehyung to see if she has any problem, But no problem was visible on Taehyung's face and Jungkook touched her lips on his lips and then looked at her and waited a bit.  Finally he kiss her full of passion .

But both are shocked by the sound of someone coming down from above and fall down from the couch so that no one can see them. But Jungkook's mind is on Taehyung's sweet lips and he can't control himself, then they kiss again.

Mrs. J: What is happening here....(Yes she is coming down from above)....(Taekook gets shocked hearing the voice and immediately stands up with his head down.) what were you two doing tell me the truth about what is going on between you two.

Jk: Mom Actually something went in Taehyung's eyes I was looking at that...😦

Mrs.j:-Am i look foolish to you..... tell me why you both were kissing..(mrs.jeon shouted both of them angrily.)

Tae:  (while crying)  Please forgive us aunty, both of us had never thought of this but do not know how all this will happen… all the family members come down after hearing the voice and ask mrs.jeon what is happening here..And she tells everything to everyone and Taehyung gets very scared and she can't face her family and starts crying bitterly. Jinnie goes to her and comforts her.

Jk: Mom.I want to tell you something...(deep breath)..I...I..I love Taehyung more than all of you and I am not saying this because you saw us like this and Taehyung doesn't even know about this I fell in love with her from day one and wanted to make her mine, so I used to bother her and try to spend time with her. so when i was coming down i saw tae alone so i start bothering her and ended up like this ....i m sorry taehyung (while looking taehyung)...i m really sorry everyone...🥲😞☹️

Tae: Jungkook I don't know whether it's the right time or not but I also want to say something to you ....I love you the way you love me...When you wrote that letter for me, it was not just a letter, it was your feelings that touched my heart and I also want to spend time with you.I wanted you to bother me I wanted you to be around with  me. I love you jungkook I really love you....😭😭.....Jungkook hugs her tightly.

Jk: Mom I want to marry Taehyung, please uncle don't mind our relationship I will keep your daughter very happy, I will never let her hurt promise.

Mrs.k: Finally both of them accepted their feelings. many many congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Jeon...Today I am giving you the hand of another daughter ...( Both smiled and nodded but Taekook gets shocked at what's happening here .)

Jk: Someone tell me what is happening….and since when is this happening…???🤨(questions look)

Mrs. J: Son, we already decided that Namjoon will be married to Jinnie and you will be married to Taehyung on the same day....(another shock for Taekook)

Tae: we are also getting married on the same day with hyung and dii wedding .....(Jungkook happily carries Taehyung  and moving around)

Jk: Thankyou so much everyone This night and this day are the best of my life..

Namjoon: Now that's enough brother, now go to sleep, tomorrow we have to go shopping, we have very less time.

Jk: yes you right we have less time ohk everyone bye goodnight all of you and i love you my love  and dream me .....😜.....(Jungkook kisses Taehyung on the cheek and runs to his room)

Mrs.k: Looks like Jungkook is very happy with our decision, now both of them are in love too, so we should not think much about these two.😊

Mrs. J: You are right, everyone goes to your room and sleeps, and my future daughter-in-laws, you both also go and have a good sleep. Both of them blushing and run to their room.
hey everybody i know i updated this story after a long time and as i said i was very sick so i went to the doctor And I used to have a headache, so when I told my problems to the doctor, he did a lot of tests and the reports came that I had a brain tumor. But I'm not sad because whatever happens ,happens for good and whatever happens next will also be good I have full faith in my god.......
At this time I am in the hospital and I am updating you from here.Thank you for reading this part of the story .😃🙂

Next part will take some time till then stay tuned with me 😊🥰
I purple you army💜

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