❥ He/She [Accidentally] Sees You Half Naked

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Your P.O.V.


"Hey, [y/n]? Where are you? I need to show you something I've been working on," Tony asks for me. I ignore him since he's always showing me contraptions and such; maybe he should just shut up and pay some attention to me once in a while. He knocks on the door once, then twice... Still ignoring him. The handle on the door is unlocked―all part of my "plan"―and I start stripping as slow as possible. "[y/n]! [y/n]," Tony whines. Gosh he can be such a child sometimes; it's hard to believe this is a man who helped save the world. Without any warning, he rushes in. I stand there with no shirt, no undershirt, and no bra. His eyes fixate on my chest and slowly travel downwards, where he notices I still have my jeans on. "Um, d-do you need help with the rest of that?" He asks, all fidgety. I giggle and nod as he makes his way in to finish the rest of the job.


"Steve, could you help me zip my dress?" I ask. The black laced dress was a little tight on me; not for the reasons you'd assume such as weight issues, but boob issues. Being a big-chested girl isn't easy, never is. He comes up behind me, avoiding eye contact. His fingertips travel to the back of my dress and he pulls it up. Before one thing led to another, I heard a loud rip. My face went pale in front of the mirror and the dress fell―literally fell―at my sides. I turn around to scream at Steve but the poor guy covered his eyes and went on and on about how sorry he is and how he'll never see me naked again, unless it's with my consent. I can't help but laugh as Steve goes red in the cheeks and runs out of the room.


Conducting science experiments with Bruce late at night was a daily must for both of us. I don't think we'd sleep without doing anything destructive, honestly. Bruce sits in my spinning chair and twirls a pen around in his hand. I hold a beaker of unknown substance and decide to pour the orange liquid―which Bruce refuses to tell me the name of because he knows I'd go blowing stuff up. Before he can stop me, I'm standing there with a torn, soot covered shirt and no pants. "Well, I have to admit: you look sexy―even when you're half burnt," he jokes.


Thor has yet to go swimming in an actual lake on the Earth, so I decide to take him for a swim before he takes me to Asgard for the first time. "[y/n], my love. Where are you taking me?" He asks while we sit in the car. Instead of answering him, I put one finger up to my lips and shush him. Though we're in normal clothes, I packed swim trunks that I thought were big enough for him and a bathing suit for me. We arrive to a cliff of some sorts and he looks astonished. "Wow, this is beautiful, just like you," he remarks while taking it all in. The green grass, the icy blue water, and the fact that we could see fish swimming around. I pull out the bag and hand him a pair of swim trunks as he takes off his normal―not asgardian clothes―and whisker off to behind some shrubs. "Come join me, my love!" He shouts at the top of his lungs. I've got my bikini bottom on, but I'm struggling to fixate the top; the strings are too far back for me to tie. "Hey, Thor? Can you come help me tie this?" I ask. He comes looking for me behind the shrub. His eyes become fixed onto the sight in front of him. Thor turns me around and tries to tie the tiny strings with his huge fingers. When he was sure that it's all tied up, I turn around only to find it fall off. He can't take his eyes off my chest and stammers,"I―I'm sor-sorry. Forgive me, my love." My cheeks become red as cherries and I go to the car just to pull one of Thor's shirts over since neither of us could tie bikini tops.


"Clint!" I yell, obviously angered. The pile of clothes on the floor was not what I had left. No pants, no underwear, and no bra―just a shirt. Since Clint was out protecting the world―doing his thing―I decided to take a midnight trip to the pool so I could skinny dip. I pull the shirt over my head as I go searching for him; that's when he emerges from the trees surrounding the house. A huge laughter bursts from his mouth, he was so overjoyed. "Clint Barton, I will kill you," I threaten. "Relax, it's nothing I haven't seen before," he says before lifting up my oversized t-shirt and catching a glimpse of down under. Without hesitation, I slap him and laugh along. It's safe to say that both of us ended up without clothes that night.


Pietro was the biggest brat on Earth, and it is my job to take care of him. Meaning I have to deal with all his stupid antics when he's bored and looking for an easy laugh. No, we're not going out; SHIELD assigned me to look after―babysit―him. Why could I not have gotten his sister instead? I walk out of the shower from the SHIELD building; I live here since there's no family or basically anyone I can go back to. My whole life is SHIELD. The towel around my body falls to the ground and I let it since no one is in the restroom until my eyes catch a glimpse of what seems like Pietro, I hastily pull it back up. His laughter is insatiable and can be heard from 1,000 miles away. "Hey, [y/n], that was fun; we should do it more often," he whispers in my ear before zipping away.


I walk home from work today, just like every other day, but today is more special. Why? Because Natasha's coming back home after 2 months and I've got a huge surprise to give ;). The lights are off in the apartment, which means she's not here yet, a good thing for me. I hastily fix the bedroom, throwing a couple of roses on the king sized bed. Set up a few candles, and then proceeded to change into my "outfit" for the night. A sheer, light blue baby doll nightie with a middle parting and blue panties underneath. Before posing on the bed and waiting for Natasha, I turn off the lights. Time goes by slowly while each second turns into minutes; minutes turn into hours. I check my phone for the time: 12:34 a.m. It was 9:30 p.m. when I got here; I've been waiting 3 hours and 4 minutes! Just when I get bored, I hear a creak of the door and see a peak of light. "[y/n], baby, are you asleep?" She whispers. I make no sound, not even a peep. Natasha walks slowly into the room, not wanting to disturb me. When she flips the light switch on, her eyes show lust and love all in the same glance. "Okay, I'm gonna, just... Uh, turn the lights back off."


I lay on the bed, rid of my nightgown and evening dresses; only in panties and a sheer, lacy top on. My king has yet to arrive to the sight of me―which is hopefully desirable. It's been 2 months since we've been married yet Loki refuses to so much as touch me. There's a knock at the door. "Come in," I say. Loki enters, obviously flustered. "Great Gods, some of my subjects do not understand the meaning of [blah blah blah]!" He rants. Obviously he hasn't caught sight of me. "Loki, look at me," I say, catching his attention. Without any hesitation he runs out of the room, unlike his usual, elegant self. "I'm sorry, my sweetheart! I'm sorry!" He yells from outside the door. I roll my eyes as he leaves.


|Not doing one for her because I'm completely lost on how to go about this.|

♡ The Avengers Preferences ♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin