❥ Why Don't You Love Me | H.C.R. [Part 1]

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"Touch me, tell me I'm your everything; The air you breathe; And why don't you love me? Open up your heart tonight 'cause I could be all that you need."

Your hand rested on his chest as you two swayed along to the beat of the music. "What am I to you?" Tony asks out of nowhere. "You know? You're my everything," he answered his own question genuinely. You remained silent, unsure of what to say. Love was a tricky subject and you were never one to pass.


"See, I'm just too scared to tell you the truth 'cause my heart-ache can't take anymore; Broken and bruised, longing for you; And I don't know what I'm waiting for."

You watched Steve dance with Jessie, all happy. He was smiling, which was a first after such a long time. It pained you to bottle up your feelings in order to protect your heart from anymore heartache. "[y/n]!" Steve called you over. You flashed him a fake smile before walking over to the happy couple. If only he knew you felt the same as he did. Jessie beckoned you closer to them and you did as requested of you. "Well now that we're hitched, when's your lucky Prince Charming arriving?" Her question shattered your heart. "I'm afraid it's much too late for my Prince Charming," you remark. "My heart's already been broken."


"See I can't wake up; I'm living a nightmare that keeps playing over again; Locked in a room, so hung up on you; And you're cool with just being friends."

Bruce awoke to the thought of you in his arms―which sadly withered away because you're long gone by now. "It'd be best if we stay friends." Your words repeated in his head, over and over again―never stopping, not once. His bedroom doorknob rattled from outside. "Dr. Banner, this isn't healthy and you know it," Tony spoke from outside. Bruce didn't care anymore since everything, everyone he cares about has been snatched away.


"Why don't you give me a reason? Please tell me the truth."

"Give me a reason, Thor. I want the truth," you pleaded whilst sobbing. He looked as if there was absolutely nothing going on in between you two. "Well." You awaited his answer. Silence once again. Odin glared at you, silently wishing you'd go away. "This is it!" Thor's father yelled. "He loves Adenia, not you." His final answer jolted you out of a somber state. You looked to Thor for one last try. Nothing, at all. "Good bye, [y/n]. Lead a noble mundane life," he wished you. If only you knew that this wasn't his choice; if it had been, you'd be on the throne next to him.


"Kiss me, I can feel your heart tonight. It's killing me so."

"Do you not need me? Am I just another of your toys? When will you quit playing games with me?" You asked, bewildered at Loki's behavior. He'd been so distant and it seemed as if you two had never happened. Loki glanced at your lips, wondering how they'd taste. It had been too long and he had to distance himself from you or he'd lose all control whatsoever. "Say something," you quietly implore. "Please." Loki inched closer, backing you into a wall and trapping you in his small square made up of his body and arms. "It's killing me. I can't wait much longer," he whispered into your ear as his hands made their way to the lace of your dress.


"Left on the sidelines; Stuck at a red light; Waiting for my time."

Natasha watched you and Tony waltz around the ballroom, just for fun of course. It seemed as if something in him had peaked your interest, or maybe it was that he'd pay attention to you once in a while. She silently cursed to herself for letting you out of her grasp before clasping onto you and never letting go. Now Natasha was stuck at her own red-light, waiting for a chance with you―which seemed almost impossible by now. You giggled in Tony's arms, something which almost never happened near or in Natasha's. She's been left at the sidelines―forgotten.


"Open up your heart tonight 'cause I could be all that you need."

"Another pathetic breakup with her boyfriend. Why doesn't she just see me how I see her?" You think to yourself. Wanda's sobs could be heard from miles away but it was truly serious this time. "H-he promised, [y/n]," she muttered into your chest. "I know, I know. It'll be okay," you slowly coaxed her into relaxing a little bit. When Wanda tilted her head up, it was impossible to resist. You brought your lips near hers and sealed a kiss. "I can be everything that you need."


"You know that I'll keep believing 'Till I'm with you."

"I'm not giving up," Clint promised. "We will find a way somehow, [y/n]." A tear drop rolled down your cheek, landing on Clint's jacket. "No, no we won't," you contradicted. It was foolish to think such a mistake could be fixed and you two could be happy after this. "I believe in us," he said to you. "I don't."


"Why don't you love me?"

A stinging sensation hit your cheek as you fell down to the ground. The smell of alcohol permeated throughout your guys' room. "I never loved you, you filthy whore. Never," he yelled at you. That was the last straw. You had taken the beatings, verbal abuse, etc., but hearing those words broke you. "Why? Why don't you love me?" You asked in a small voice, scared to anger him even more so.

[AN: So, I hope you guys liked this tidbit I attempted. It seemed as it were a fail to me but I'm going to try and improve on stuff such as this. Anyhow, on the very last one―I do not support domestic violence. If anyone has ever hit you like that, please don't think you deserve it or take that beating. You are more than a punching bag and are loved by many. My aunt had a violent husband who used to beat her. She never reached out for help and her life was ruined; save yours. Please, please get help if this is your situation.]

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