✧ love ιѕ вlιnd [personal imagine]

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

☼ Taking you out to dinner tonight. Wear something nice. - xoxo ☼ | Bucky 💖

I saw the text message from my boyfriend of 2 years. Doing as he asked of me, I began to get ready.

Bucky was always off on missions and such with Steve, leaving no time for me. Tonight must be profoundly special. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining; I just wish he'd be around some more.

Shaking my head clear of negative thoughts, I made my way to the bathroom to get ready.

Time Skip

After changing into my sleeveless, semi-lace dress, I decided to apply my makeup―bold yet elegant. Instead of sticking with an "all black" outfit, I painted my nails white and added a pair of silver earrings and a silver necklace. To complete the look, I added a black clutch with golden spikes and 5" pumps.

Hours passed by just waiting for Bucky. Soon it was 7 p.m. and getting dark outside.

☼ C'mon out, babe. ☼ | Bucky 💖

My phone 'dinged' in order to notify me of a new text message. I was thankful it did.

Bucky stood just outside my flat with roses in his hand and a black suit on. We were matching without even knowing it before hand(!!). He stuck his hand out and beckoned me to come forth.

"You look beautiful," Bucky complimented me. "Even more so tonight." I giggled in appreciation. We both walked down to his car together. Before getting into the car, Bucky was so kind as to open my door and peck my lips before letting me enter.

"Where are we going?" I asked, genuinely intrigued. Bucky shook his head. "Sorry, can't say. It would ruin the surprise," he spoke. I pouted in an attempt to make him tell me. No effect.

We soon arrived―after a solid forty-five minutes―to a spiffy restaurant. It was where Bucky and I had first met. I was a waitress and he came to dinner with a snobby girl who kept checking out hot waiters. I laughed at the sight of our very first meeting.

"My lady," Bucky held out his hand. He helped me out of his car. "Oh my God, Bucky. I can't believe this," I said whilst covering my mouth with my hand out of astonishment.

We walked hand-in-hand to the inside of my previous work environment.

"Table for two, reservation at 7:50." The waitress eyed us miserly. She wouldn't take her eyes off us until it was time for her to leave. I scrutinized the menu for something I could actually stomach; not that it was bad but because everything was complicated.

Our current waitress came back to collect our orders. "Good evening, sir. What may I get you on this lovely evening?" She asked. Yasmin―as her name tag showed―didn't ask for my order much less acknowledge my existence.

"Can I get Braised Pork Loin; and for my lady, here, what will she have?" Bucky asked me.

"I'd like Steamed Lobster, please. Thank you very much," I told Yasmin. She forcefully smiled to me and winked an eye to Bucky before leaving.

"Did you see that?" I asked Bucky. He glanced over at me, completely bewildered. "What?" I scoffed at his ability to disregard such petty attempts by girls like Yasmin. "She winked at you," I defended myself. "Caitlin, she may wink at me all she wants but the one thing she can't have besides my order and name is my heart―which belongs to you."

Before I could respond, both Bucky and I heard someone speak behind me.

"I'm not about to serve some black girl with a hot man out there. Ugh. Does he need his eyes checked?" It sounded like Yasmin's voice. She laughed and another voice joined in.

Bucky's eyes were bulging and he looked furious. Instead of fueling the fire, I wanted to have nice, romantic dinner with the love of my life. "Forget it, Bucky. She's not worth it," I calmed him down.

I took a sip of my white wine, almost choking on a small metal object. I pulled it out and looked over at Bucky, who was smiling like a kid who had too much sugar.

"Caitlin, [m/n], [l/n], I met you here and wanted here to be the place where I make sure you'll spend the rest of your life with me. Hadn't it been for this place, I'd never have met such an intelligent, funny, independent woman. Would you marry me?" Bucky asked on one knee by my side. The whole restaurant went quiet and all its customers watched us.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I shouted in between sobs. "Oh my God, yes, Bucky. I love you."

People cheered loud enough for them to be heard in Australia. Yasmin stood by us with our order, looking irked and jealous. "Here is your order, you nigger," she spoke.

Before I knew it, a plate of lobster had been dumped upon my head. Bucky was ready to take action and I stood there, embarrassed and insecure.

Bucky inched closer to her as the staff rushed out, stopping anything before it got serious. "Wait, I'll handle it," I told Bucky as my hand pushed up against his chest.

"I'm sorry there is so much hatred in your heart but that shouldn't interrupt a wonderful night with my fiancé. Now many people here have witnessed the vile soul you have inside. I may be black, but that doesn't define who I am or what I can do. Bucky loves me for who I am, not for my skin color or my looks," I ranted on and on.

None of it was a lie, nor should it have been. Yasmin looked at me, stunned as if someone had slapped her. If there was anything left to do, she didn't have any dignity left to do so.

"I'm so proud of you; and how you handled it. Her racism shouldn't define you and it didn't. I love you because of the person you are inside. This was one of the many examples why. The way you handled this utter crap was remarkable," Bucky complimented.

He pulled me from Yasmin and in for a kiss. The blonde girl stood still, obviously jealous. Leftovers from my lobster continued to fall off my head but Bucky didn't mind, he only laughed.

Once again the customers cheered and so did the employees. We were all happy... Except Yasmin, who was forcefully kicked out the restaurant.

[ AN: For @not_a_girly_girl ]

♡ The Avengers Preferences ♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin