[❁ children series ❁] First Words

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Tony | His P.O.V.

"Say dad-uh, dad-uh," I ask of my 10 month old daughter. She babbles incoherently. [y/n]'s out shopping, leaving me to care for our daughter, Peony―who was being a total brat, might I add.

Peony giggles a few before spitting out her food right on my hand. It looks like baby vomit: green and wet and icky. "Ugh," I complain,"Couldn't you have just swallowed the damn thing?" She doesn't look one bit ashamed of herself; probably because this is extremely entertaining for her.

Leaving her for a few minutes on her high chair, I go to wash my hands in the sink.

"A-ah-achoo," the sneeze sounds throughout the dining area. "Bless you, baby," I said, inducing a 'dad-uh' from her.

"Who said 'bless you'? Huh? Who?" I baby talked to her.

Dismally, her small voice sounds and speaks for the very first time. I egg her on with small murmurs like she did.


Steve | Your P.O.V.

Four babies sit on the bed in front of Steve and I. 2 of them had done a stinky and the others were just here because, well, where else would the go? My husband holds his nose due to the rancid smell of poop; and their giggling was not making it any easier. "Which one do you want?" I ask him, hoping for the child with less junk in her trunk.

Immediately he picks the child who got away with a small pee rather than a poop. It angers me to the point of throwing him out a window. Steve stuck out his tongue and laughed before holding our youngest baby boy.

"C'mon, baby," I speak into her ear, coaxing her into relaxing. She lay on her back as I undid the diaper to reveal a hot mess. I, too, pinch my nose just as Steve did.

As soon as I touch the child, she begins to scream and squirm, almost like a wild raccoon of sorts. Her finger shoots straight up behind me and she speaks her very first word,"Dada."

Steve breaks out in a laughter, his face was red by now.

"As long as you're in that diaper, you're mommy's responsibility." That asshole.


[no first words because they were adopted soz]

Thor | His P.O.V.

My children rest on the bed, waiting for the arrival of their mother. [y/n] had gone to a 'girls night out' in the human world; so it was―mostly―me and mother alone with the children. They both pull each other's arms, hoping to gain a reaction.

Both of them, I swear, will be rascals whilst growing up.

My sweet daughter tugged on my hair, pulling me closer; and my adorable son did the same as well. Nothing would tear these two apart as it did my brother and I.

"P... P-a," both spoke at the same time. I admit it was quite creepy for them to be sharing words as well as looks.

"Papa!" They both squealed at the same time. [y/n] would be very much angry that she missed out on their first word.

Loki | His P.O.V.

"Atlas, my son," I spoke to the eleven month old. "Speak to your father." It had been eleven months of his life yet not a single word had come from his mouth. It was driving me absolutely mad. I don't know how [y/n] deals with this. Thankfully she does so I don't have to. Oh thank me for having her by my side.

Atlas let out a loud shriek as [y/n] entered. He was quite right on the action. If I was a baby, I'd have done the same.

"Loki," she spoke in her gentle, soothing voice,"Hand me Atlas, please."

His small body landed in her arms after I placed him there. Damn lucky bastard, taking my wife's time with me away.

"Loki," she called once again. I turned to see what the problem was. "Hm?"

Atlas was burping and [y/n] found it quite amusing, as did I. We both laughed before he broke it with one word we were not expecting.

"L-Loki," Atlas spoke in a broken tone. I was so overjoyed that I almost cried tears of happiness.

"And I thought his first words would be mommy," [y/n] joked.


[same as Bruce sowwy :( :( :( ]

Wanda | Your P.O.V.

Wanda and I's baby boy wobbled around on the bed, rolling and squirming like an octopus. She sat on the bed as well, handing him toys to play with. Though we were both his mothers, Wanda was a tiny bit overprotective―probably her motherly instinct or something, I wouldn't know.

"It's been a year and he hasn't even spoken his first words, [y/n]," Wanda complained to me. What was I supposed to say? I'll make him?

As soon as those words escaped her lips, another voice sounded. "[y-] [y/n]." A look of jealousy flashed over Wanda's face but she quickly dismissed it in joy of our baby boy's first words.

Clint | His P.O.V.

"Daddy," my baby boy spoke as i carried him over to mommy. He'd began speaking a month ago whilst his sister was slow in that department. [y/n] held a shopping cart with Clarisse sitting inside of it. She dressed her in a huge bow and a salmon pink onesie.

"Hey, babe," I kissed [y/n] on the lips. "How was Clarisse today?" I asked teasingly whilst holding her up and attacking her cheeks with kisses.

[y/n] looked ecstatic for some reason; and that scared me a little, to be honest. We sat both children together in the cart and then sat at a nearby bench.

"Okay, so you won't believe this. Well you will but whatever, let me cut to the chase," she said.

Her eyes had a glint of happiness in them, directed towards me.

"Clarisse and I went shopping, of course, but I was looking for her clothes and she started crying and calling out for," she did quotation marks with her fingers,"CLINT!"

Pietro | Your P.O.V.

"Momma," Pietro called out from the living room. It was so fucking weird but he said it all the time so the kids would as well. Still, that didn't make it any less creepier for your husband to call me momma.

"Momma," he called out again. I was preparing the kids' bottles but he wouldn't let me be.

"M-mam-mama," I heard from the living room.

I raced like a jet, giggling like a maniac when I heard little Ajax's voice. Pietro gave me a,'told you so,' look.

[An: someone asked me to include Bucky; and I will―but after this series. + my *short* hiatus for now is over and so is writers block!! Shoutout to the lovely not_a_girly_girl for providing me with ideas to write about!!]

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