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M A R S H A L L ' S P O V

Hello, I'm Marshall Lee and let's say I'm just a normal dude with lots of cash, well my parents do, but anything could happen, am I right? One person can change the normal part of me to something not normal at all





It's been week after our second quarter examinations, and boy! What an exhausting week!

An unfamiliar face suddenly walked into our room, straight up to an empty seat beside me.

It was weird the moment she walked in to our room; the aura became cold and scary. A part of me wants to ask and greet her, since I'm an officer inside the classroom but I guess I'm a coward and so I just let her take the empty seat beside me. Great! Now awkwardly sitting beside her, I got the strange feeling that she's not the kind of girl you want to mess with. Everybody was looking at the fresh meat, my hands were sweating but my whole body was not even sweating in fact it was very hot but the moment she came in it became so cold, if that even makes sense.

Marceline Abadeer, the leader of the group named the Girlz, I know it sounds stupid, a.k.a miss "I'm so popular, bow down to me peasants" and unfortunately also my big sister, she likes to visit me every day in our classroom just to piss me off which is very embarrassing, and that's her exact plan in her entire life, make a joke of everything I do.

"Hey Marshy-poo, you okay my widdle baby brother?"

"Yeah I'm okay you can go now, shoo shoo." I gestured her away from me

"But why?" she whined, acting like a child

"Because you are embarrassing me again in front of the class, plus her" I whispered soft enough for Marceline's ears only

"Why Marshy-poo? Trying to impress your girlfwend?!" and of course she had no other plans than to make me miserable so she just exclaimed that

Shi-- i mean poop cake! New girl suddenly stood up

"Let me get things straight here miss, I understand that you're embarrassing your brother right now but don't use me, ever, understood?" Whoa such a scary and serious person for a face like that!

"Yikes, a feisty one, looks like I bothered a little hot headed minion here eh. Why? Don't you like my widdle brother?" Is Marceline seriously teasing her?!

"For your information, I am not a minion! I am-" but Marceline quickly cut her off

"I know who you are so don't bother introducing yourself, minion" and cue that awful smug smirk on Marcy's face

Then the bell rang which means homeroom is about to start in 30 minutes but Ms. Petrikov came in the room all of the sudden, and yeah she's our homeroom teacher

"Good morning Ms. Abadeer, so the mumbles are true, you really do visit your brother every day in our classroom even if you two live and see each other every day and I know that you know who that girl is but you better run along" said Ms. Petrikov, yeah she's kinda harsh

"Well of course ma'am I was about to get out of the room anayways, I was just double checking on him, you know you can never be too sure if he's alright or not" Marceline chuckled, acting so ignorant

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