Where are you?

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A/N: Hey I'm sorry if just updated now I got I lil tired from my travel today( I mean from a comfortable bus ride to a walk with 5 super heavy bags, my arms were almost going to bleed promise) but I'm still a lil sick so sorry but hey atleast I'm updating since its the start of summer and all okay I'm going bunkers now to the story

-usual disclaimer-

still a continues from the past chap


Marshall's POV

I went to the elevator and gladly I'm the only one ridding coz I really need to talk out loud by my self

"What the lump is Francis even talking about what the heck does he means by 'Fiancé' uggghh, I'm not jealous I am not jealous, and what the lump do I have to be jealous about I'm the one who got a hug from her" I talked out loud inside the elevator

then I remembered our holding hands and especially her hug, Glob it Marshall she's too young for you yet and she's helping you get Bonnie and Bonnie is her best friend and I like Bonnie and not Fionna definately not Bonnie wait what I mean NOT FIONNA,

then the elevator stopped to my floor I headed to my unit and put our thing down and went to my room to get my phone

I'm going to call mom and ask if she knows any place to stay for the winter break but it just kept ringing so I just left a message

"Hey Mom, do you know a place where me and a couple of friends could stay and have some fun for this up coming winter break"

i grabbed some cash then I quikly went downstairs to go to the cafè but when I entered the door of the cafè I didn't saw Fionna she must have gone away, ugh I searched everywhere I saw afraid she saw taken by her parents, oh glob its all my fault, Fionna where are you?.....

Fionna's POV

:30 minutes ago:

what is taking him so long, what the heck i'm going out, i went out and head for a little walk outside it was sooooo cold good thing i still have Marshall's jacket, hmmm Marshall's jacket, then i sniffed it smelled no cologne just a natural scent of him then somebody covered my eyes

"M-Marshall?" i thought it was him but when i turned around it was Francis

"Oh its you, again. What's your name again?" i asked because i think i have heard of his last name from my mom and we started to have a little stroll around town

"My full name is Francis Flame"

"Uh hi, my names Fionna Mertens, have we met?"

"I know and of course we have met, remember school earlier"

"No what i meant was have we met way before what happened at school"

"I dont really think so but our mothers know each other, that's for sure"

"So why were you seriously following me?"

"You know its better for you not to know yet but like i said earlier i like you"

"What do you mean by 'like'?"

"i like, like you"

"Oh......" and that held the awkward silence for atleat 15 minutes while we're hanging at the bridge, we were aloneat that bridge the view was beautiful the river's calm and the serene is peaceful when i heard running steps and when i looked behind me it was Marshall, he looked so worried and tired

Marshall's POV

i run and run and run all around town just to find that, that, that one heck of a girl and i'll just find her there having a romantic moment with a guy she just got a fight with earlier this morning, so run i runned towards the and grabbed Fionna's wrist and just completely dragged her away from him and i was just so glad he didn't followed us and Fionna just kept her mouth shut but when he was out of sight Fionna released her self from my grip from her

"What was that for?!" she yelled

"What was that for?! that, that was nothing but if you made me worry like that again i don't care where the lump are you or who you are with and i'm going to find you and lumpin yell at you infront of everybody and make you realize there's someone who cares about you" my tears were almost falling but i resisted and instead she cried and fell down on her knees made me realize that i was yelling at a kid

And i knelt down "I-i'm so so sorry Fionna, i-i didn't mean to yell i just went out of control"

she just went near me and hugged me and wispered "I'm sorry Marshall please take me home"

I carried her in my back and she fell asleep, it was a long way home, and she was pretty heavy for a little girl and she was pretty hot, and by hot i mean warm. She was very hot and when i got to my unit i placed her in my bed and took care of her, she slept in my bed and i slept in our couch and the following day she was still sick so i called Bonnie to take her to her unit and take care of her since it was really awkward last night, i just couldn't face her yet, she got better by the end of the weekend


Im sooo sorry guys if i didnt updated yesterday i was really tired and slept all day, so for now heres some drama as LSP says "OMG Guys Drama Bomb" (and if you guys want me to make a part of the whole Fionna was sick thing right ther the last paragraph just comment and i'll do it, don't be shy i'm not a tsundere just a yandere =D )

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