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A/N: told you I'm going to update in a few, I'm so corny in writing story

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the story

M A R S H A L L ' S P O V

She suddenly got up and grabbed her phone, she was about to dial Bonnie's number. How do I know that she's calling Bonnie? I can see the number and yes I know Bonnie's number by heart

"What are you doing" I asked

"I'm going to call Bonnie to ask where you live and I'll take care of your legs there or maybe get you to the hospital" Oh silly girl

"Actually, there's no need to call Bonnie, I just live next door"

"Wait... so you were going home" good she remembered that I told her I'm going home "But, also wait! So you mean you and your sister live next to me... that means... YOU TWO ARE MY NOISY NEIGHTBORS!" she suddenly got mad... noisy? Ohhhhhhhh yeah...

"Apparently yes, I apologize for that but it's only Marceline who's really noisy, always nagging and blasting her vinyl records till her eardrums give out" I HOPE THAT EXCUSE WORKS because honestly we're both blasting our records out loud and always bickering and playing pranks on each other... So yeah our unit is a riot, there will never be a calm and peaceful day in that unit, nope.

"I think I need to take you to a hospital, so this time I really need to call Bonnie and Bubba"

"But why?" my legs are fine! (I think) I just can't feel them at the moment

"Umm hello, if you haven't take a notice, I'm a kid and you're heavy but I can really carry you but naaaaah I'm too lazy" she quickly said and dialed away Bonnie's number

"Hello Bonnie, yeah HELLO to you too again, yes I am home... yes I am with Marshall... Bonnie stop... can I speak with Gumball, I need a little help here to help Marshall to a hospital... Don't shout at me! I didn't break his bones! A little accident happened, okay! Yeah, yeah I'm fine... okay thank you" she just sighed and rubbed her temples. "They will be here in a few minutes" she informed me

After fifteen minutes or so, the doors flung open making me almost fall out of the couch "What happened?" said Marceline worriedly, well that's odd, she rarely gets worried at me

"Well there was this bike and its breaks were apparently broken and it was about to ran over me but he pushed me out of the way and he got run over in his leg because he pushed me dramatically" Fionna explained

"Well enough with the explanation, the taxi is waiting downstairs!" Gumball exclaimed, ruffling his hair, and he was about to carry me bridal style

"Wait! Dude, no way!" I protested in disgust, there is no way he's going to carry me, I'd rather crawl

"Oh come on!" Fionna groaned "I'll carry you big guy" then she actually carried me in her back without any doubt that she might fall or something she's really stronger than I expected, small body yet strong. Amazing, I feel so much of a wimp now. We were at the elevator Bonnie whispered "Thank you so much for saving her. I owe you big time" she suddenly leaned in and kissed me in the cheeks and of course Fionna noticed but she didn't say a word. We reached the hospital in the span of a few minutes and they wrapped my legs and told me I have fractured both of my legs, and yada yada drink this yada yada don't do this blah blah blah avoid doing that and so many more warnings and happily we went home after that drag but Bubba, Bonnie and Fionna kept me company for a while and oh Marceline is actually home early for once because of me

"So how am I going to take a bath with this" I asked gesturing to my two wrapped up like a Christmas present legs, useless legs

"Easy. Remove and reuse" Fionna stated matter in factly

"But I don't know how to do that, or in other words I can't"

so I have nothing to do with my life so enjoy my stories if I do have readers :-) next chap will be up in a few hours, sorry if its short


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