Honey.... NOT

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A/N: Since I can't think anything sexy yet, but soon I will so no smut for you kids yet! Don't kill me, it took me months to write a smut, just  wait.... I'm bound to make another one... just not now

Marshall's Pov

Well... That didn't end well....


"Fioonna! Come one! Pleeeeeeease" she threw another pillow straight to my gorgeous face and yet I ignored it and continued pleading again

An Abadeer never pleads but in desperate measures... I guess I have to, I mean It's OUR honeymoon and yet she don't want to! That's unfair

"Pwease Fionna" Oh God! NO! NO! NO!

"B-babe, please don't throw that lampshade" Okay, maybe I have been pleading for hours or so but still! I snatched a pillow from my side and used it as a defence for the upcoming lampshade

"MAKE ME!" She shouted back

“Okay, okay. Fine! No bobbies for me tonight!” I finally gave up, she just won’t give in to me tonight and I don’t have the slightest idea on what’s her problem. She was perfectly fine this morning and at the reception she began to be moody. I slipt into bed with her and tucked myself beside her. I can’t believe that she is ignoring the fact that me, Marshall Abadeer, one of ther most beautiful creation of God, is half nakedand ready for a battle of love-making. Minutes ago she was fine too, she was playing along with me but now she’s playing hard to get


“Oh Marshall…” DAMN! That seductive voice! I just closed my eyes and hoped for the best that could happen in any minute now. With my eyes still closed, I continued playing that I’m sleeping already. She began removing our duvet that was covering mybare chest, her fingers started to travel to my chest all the way to my ears, she was playing circles around my ear, which tickles, she slowly got on top of me and began kissing me from my forehead to neck. The moment she got to my neck she was no longer kissing, she was already sucking my skin , she sucked harder which made my pale skin red with her marks, I tried my best to restrain from groaning in pleasure and pain but, as expected, I failed it hopelessly.  She started to go more lower down to my chest and sucking my nipple like a baby would do for milk then licked me from there to my neck and bit me! I shouted in pain but mostly pleasure, her lips made its way to my lips. I bit the right corner of her bottom lip and smiled at her, I carefully moved ine hand behind her neck and my other one on her waist, pressing her to me and kissed. I stood upas she wrapped her leg around my waistand not breaking from our kiss, it was my turn to return her the pleasure she just gave me.


Fionna’s Pov


He pushed me up against the wall, my height now levels to him as he hoists me up to those big, strong and well defined arms of his. He pressed his hips and long legs against me.


“You are absolutely making me crazy” he mumbled to my ears as he kissed me in lines


He pressed me harder against the paint as he bits and suck my neck “So damn crazy, you don’t know what you do to me”


He pushed me back to the matress and his hands roamed all over me, his possessive streak is now coming out of its shell

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