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*5 years ago*
"Inej and Tori never leave each others side run and don't look back. Me and your father will get your brother and we'll meet you back here" our Mother told us with tears in eyes. "No mom it's not safe" Tori said and grabbed her moms hand. "I love you girls so mu-" my mom was caught off with guys surrounding us. They grabbed me and inej and started to drag us away from my mom. "NO NO STOP LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD" Tori yells trying to get out of his grip. Inej is panicking and has tears in her eyes and is trying to fight back. Our mom was able to get away and two guys went after her. Soon my world went black.

We woke up next to inej crying and holding onto my arm. Tori starts to cry not being able to see what's infront of me. We hear voices above us which cause me and inej to wrap our arms around eachother. Soon we were grabbed again by men and taken off the ship. They took off the sacks from our head which caused me to shut my eyes because it was too bright and hurt my eyes. We had mixed emotions and mainly anger which caused our body to warm up. Tori looked at the sign and it said ketterdam. They shoved us and were taken to some place called the menagerie. Once we enter they sit us down infront of a girl with blonde hair. They guys untie our hands then leave. "Welcome the name is Tante Haleen welcome to the menagerie we're happy to have you girls...wow you are really beautiful she will be the swan" she said pointing at Tori. A few girls come and take me from inej. "DONT TOUCH ME WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME INEJ" Tori screams and gets put into a room. One girl stayed and handed Tori her costume which consisted of ballerina shoes and body tights and a short skirt wrap. "I'm so sorry it's unfortunate they brought you here. I'll always be here for you and to help you. It's going to be rough and horrid but you'll get used to it. I want to warn you of what's to come. Also don't even try to escape haleen has many security and the glass is unbreakable" the girl dressed in blue told us. "What about my sister will I get to see my sister" Tori asked with sadden eyes. The girl shakes her head no and leaves. Tori crawls ups into a ball in the corner and starts to cry.

She was interrupted when the door handle starts to shake and it opens. Tante haleen enters and closes the door. "Oh sweet girl we need you to get changed your shift starts in an hour. She said picking up the costume. Tori shakes her head no. "Tori I don't want to do this but if you refuse to put it on I will have to have some of my security force it on you and I don't think you will want that" haleen says and walks closer to us. "I'll put it on if you let me see my sister!" Tori argues. "After your shift we'll allow you two to see eachother" she says and smiles. Tori nods and stands up. "Kara will come and direct you to your spot" she says and leaves the room. Tori hurries to put on the costume wanting to get it over with. It hugged her body well. The shoes hurt her feet a bit but she had to suck it up. She exited the room and Kara was outside the room. It was the same girl that talked to her. "Ready" she said and held out her hand. Tori nodded her head and grabbed Kara's hand. She was taken to a stage inside a pub. "Your gonna have to improv to the music for a couple of hours then the security will have to see if any payed to have a private session with you" she said and let go of Tori's hand. She entered the stage and many men smirked and leaned back in their chair. Music started and Tori started to improv her dance. She's thankful her mother signed her up for the dance classes back at home.

Once Tori finished she entered her room and a man was sitting on her bed. "You have 3 hours till her shift ends your welcome to stay however long during her shift" haleen said to the man and closed the door. Tori's pure innocent soul was stripped from her that night. She wanted to run into her sisters arms for protection. All she new is that she did this so she can see inej. Once Kara came in and gave her an extra pair of clothes Haleen came in. "Welcome to the menagerie" was all she said and closed the door. "WAIT YOU SAID I COULD SEE MY SISTER! HALEEN LET ME SEE HER!" Tori screamed and banged on the door. She tried to open the door but it was locked. Tori slumped against the door and started to cry again.

Tori has now been taking the shifts at night so she could have the day to go to places hoping she would find someone to pay her indenture. She heard from Kara that some guy that goes by a nickname of dirty hands is paying off inej's indenture. She's made friends with this guy from the crow club that has a top hat. His name is Jesper and he's always caught her up on the towns drama. It was almost time for her shift but Tori didn't want to leave Jesper. He's been a really great friend to her. Tori decided to wear her costume but she had normal shoes on instead of her point shoes so she wouldn't damage them. "TORI!" Kara called out and was rushing towards tori. "You have to get out of here. Take this" Kara days in panick and hands tori 500 Kruge. "Kara what's going on" tori says in worry. "Pekka Rollins is looking in buying your indenture but he need you to sign off on it too. If you sign with pekka rollins your good as dead" Kara says but panicked when she hears her name being called. "Come tori I can hide you hear it sure my boss wouldn't mind love" Jesper says and brings tori inside. Tori may have pick pocketed a few people on the way in. But was soon stopped. "Who is this" a man that was tall with black coat and black gloves with a cane asked staring at me with his cold eyes. "I'll tell you later can we please hide her in the spare room pekka is looking for her" Jesper pleaded and then there was a loud bang outside. It caused tori to jump and hold onto jespers arm. "Fine but you have explaining to do" he said and walked off to go see what was going on.

"Sorry about that that's Kaz my boss he's also known as dirty hands or the bastard of the barrel" Jesper said and smiled. "Ohhh I've always wondered who dirty hands was I was honestly gonna say it was pekka Rollins but I guess I don't have to wonder anymore. I had gotten intel from Kara that he had bought my sisters indenture-" tori gets cut off by Jesper. "Your inej's sister?!?!" He said shocked "no wonder you looked like someone I knew" he said and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Jesper explanation now" Kaz said and walked in and closed the door. "Ok so this is Tori she's from the menagerie and I just found out that she's inej's sister. Anyways we became friends and she came over often during the day and we would just talk and make jokes till she had to go back. Well today was different tori came over like usual and this girl-" "kara" tori added "...Kara came all frantic telling Tori to get away as far as she can because pekka Rollins wants to pay off her indenture for some reason. So I hid her while kara was dealing with whoever and Tori isn't signed over yo pekka Rollins yet because she has to sign off on it too" Jesper said and let out a huge breath. "He probably found out your inej's sister some way. Your who inej is worried about than our actual heists" Kaz says coldly. "Kaz did you-" inej says but suddenly stops. "Tori?" She questions as she pulls down her hood and mask. "Inej..." tori says with a crack in her voice and she pushes past Kaz and wraps her arms around inej and inej does the same. Tears start to flow out of their eyes and they tighten the hug afraid one another would disappear. "I- I thought someone payed you off or or you were gone" inej said and pulled away from the hug. Tori shakes her head and wipes her tear. "I've been at the same hell hole... Kara told me that you were getting your indentured payed off by dirty hands over there. I was happy one of us were able to get out from there" tori says and bring inej back into the hug. "I will find a way for you to get your indentured payed too" inej says and tightened the hug one more time. "You can borrow some of my clothes so you can get out of that horrendous costume" inej jokes. "You don't like it I loved the costume just not what it was being used for" tori laughs. Kaz clears his throat and we both look at him. "I know this is a sedimental moment but we have to talk about the mission to get the Dekapple painting. It's worth 10,000 kruge and it will help with inej's indenture. What are you capable off tori" Kaz questions and steps closer to us. "Idk brekker what am I capable of" tori teases and shows him the watch that was on his hand. "Pick pocketing is a basic skill everyone learns when they're a child." Kaz spits out with no remorse. "Well I know all the places to cut and slow down our enemy's. I'm always one step ahead like how pekka Rollins is gonna burst through your door asking for me at any moment" tori says then there's suddenly a loud bang. Kaz raises his eyebrow for a second then leaves to confront Rollins. "I know he's not gonna bother with me but it's ok sister you live your life don't worry about me" Tori says and holds onto inejs hand. "You know where to find me...bye Jesper talk to you tomorrow same time" tori says and inej turns around for a spilt second and she's gone. "Oh Kaz" inej mumbles and puts her hand to her head.

The bastard of the barrel and the sulis sister Where stories live. Discover now