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"I-I...I don't know" tori says staring at the body in shock. She turns around not being able to look at it for any longer. "May the saints forgive what can't be forgiven" tori whispers and looks down. "Let's get back to the club before the stad watch show up" Kaz says and starts to walk off. Tori follows him and looks down at her hands confused on how this happened. She can't be grisha. Ain't no way she's the sun summoner it's Alina that's the sun summoner. There was only one to be written about never two. Tori was deciding to tell Kaz but she thought to tell him when they are on the other side of the fold so she won't have Pekka after her again.

"Let's go get the conductor" Kaz says and we all get into the carriage. Jesper and inej go in first. I reach for jespers hand but I stepped wrong and Kaz quickly was able to stabilize me and help me into the carriage too. He gets in like nothing and sits next to me. "We don't talk about that ok you guys didn't see anything" tori says and looks out he window in embarrassment. "We saw nothing" Jesper says and smirks. We pick up the conductor and it's silent for a little bit before Kaz starts to speak. "I didn't bite you simply to get us across the fold. You're with us because you smuggle grisha out of the little palace and that's the location of our target." "Sun summoner" tori interrupts and looks out the window "alleged" Kaz says not believing that the saint is real. "They would not keep a fraud in the most secure location in all of Ravka" tori says looking back at Kaz not trying to go off on him. "You said that you have a contact who can get us inside. A heartrender. How do I know we can trust her?" Kaz questions making sure he's not throwing us all into a trap. "Nina grew up there." The conductor says "Most grisha grew up in the little palace. Very few would betray their general and fewer still would help foreigners kidnap their most prized possession." Kaz says which he does have a point and tori engages more into the conversation. "Nina's a radical. Thinks grisha should get to choose if they serve the crown. She despises involuntary crevice more than she does fjerdans." The conductor argues back. "Listen conductor I'm not gonna put my life at risk if your information is not true. I'm not gonna risk this shit with Haleen if your damn heartrender-" "to sum it up if you screw is over she will kill you" Jesper says interrupting Tori's rant. "Boss were here" the person driving the carriage says from outside. " let's go" Kaz says opening the door and getting out first. I wake to get out easily than getting in.

The man directs us  to her room and the door is wide open. Kaz makes the conductor go in first to make sure the scene was safe. Once Kaz saw that nothing has happened we all go in and see a messed up room with the window also open. "She new to expect us" the conductor says " She isn't late. She's gone" Kaz says looking around the room. "Yes but her things are all..." the conductor says and lifts up the rug to reveal a wolf medallion. "What's that" tori asks coming to look at the medallion. "Drüskelle. They are ruthless grisha hunters." The conductor says "Explains the Frjerdan krydda. The innkeeper was counting when we arrived. It's likely he ratted her out." Kaz says remembering the man counting money when we entered. "She's probably captive on a ship to fjerda by now." The conductor tells us and tori sees inej by the window. "They had a clear line of attack." Inej says looking at Kaz. "Take a look make sure there aren't any more surprises." Kaz tells inej which she disappears in an instant. "Well that's that" Jesper says "we've lost our way into the little palace" the conductor says while sitting on the bed. Tori looks over at Kaz and he nods his head and she agrees with him. "Come on" Kaz says and leaves the room as everyone follows after him. Once outside inej lands next to Kaz "all clear" she says as we continue to walk. "His seem like a reasonable juncture to abandon this whole sun summoner plan." The conductor says which causes Kaz to stop and to face him. "Abandon? We're in this now and I know what a million Kruger means to me. What does it mean to you" Kaz says looking at tori first. "Freedom" tori says "help find our brother" inej says looking over at tori "fun like at least a few months." Jesper says "retirement" Arkan says and looks up at Kaz. "Right so we press on. You get us across the fold and I'll figure out the rest on the other side." Kaz says staring at arkan. "Fine. To cross, I'll need 20 pounds of alabaster coal. A peck of majdaloun jurda. Uh not the kind from Kerch. It's too weak. And uh...a goat" he says looking at Jesper thinking about something before finalizing the goat decision. "Now we meet in the dead of night. There's a wrekeave of a skiff northeast on the edge of town. So who gets what?" Arkan asks. "Inej jurda, me and tori will get he goat. And jesper jay the coal. No detours." He says making sure jesper was clear of what Kaz told him.

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