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Once we get to the crow club Kaz immediately goes to his room. Tori asks the bartender to make me two drinks so she can talk to him and be able to enjoy her own drink. She thanks him and goes up stairs. Jesper was in his room with the door open trying on some of his hats. "Oh love can you come here and tell me what you think of this hat" Jesper says and waves over tori. "That's a nice hat Jesper" tori says and takes a sip from her drink. "Thanks love but I'm not sure whether I like it or hate it" he says and does a couple poses and staring at his reflection. "I think it looks good on you" tori says and sets both drinks on the night stand. "I don't like it" he says takes it off. He thinks for a bit and puts the hat on top of Tori's head. "It looks better on you love" he says and takes the other drink and sips on it. "Thank you but that was for Kaz you know. I wanted to be able to enjoy my own drink" tori says and crosses her arms. "Sorry at least you have a hat now. Anyways why were you gonna go visit the boss" Jesper questions "he seemed a bit stressed and I was gonna talk to him about what happened a few nights ago. The town knows jes and I'm kinda worried. If Dreesen found out about Alina what will he do when he finds out about me. One of the guards were a bit flirty with me and asked if he could take me for lunch or something but he asked about what had happened. I told him what we thought had happened. Before we can continue Kaz bursted in and took me. I was gonna let him know about the conversation. I'm not gonna lie jes I'm scared and I'm scared of myself. When those men grabbed me I felt warmth rise inside of my body and I just remember a bright light burst from somewhere then I assume that's when I passed out because I don't remember anything after that" tori says and looks at Jesper with worry in her eyes. "We'll love i can promise that Kaz won't let anyone lay a finger on you. He's suddenly been over protective of you like more protective than he is of me and inej. I think it's because he knows that we can handle ourselves but there's something else with him and I can't figure it out just yet. Your safe tori you don't have to worry about anything left get through this mission so we can get our million Kruge" Jesper says and gives tori a hug. "Thank you jes" tori says returning the hug. They pull away and tori takes her drink and leaves the hat on her head. She knocks on Kaz's door and earns a stressful come in. "Hey can we talk" tori asks and he nods. She sets her drink on the table and sits in the chair. "Kaz what really happened when the two drunk men grabbed me. I'm scared right now. The guard didn't only ask me about taking me out he also said that there's word on the street from the two guys that there was a similar event here at the crow club and that it was a new girl with you guys. If he has the million Kruge mission on Alina they could do it to me to I" "tori I promise to you that they won't take you away or anything I won't allow them to do anything to you" Kaz says and takes a sip of Tori's drink. "Thank you but I need to know what happened Kaz all i remember is this warmth rising inside of me before the flash of light. I'm not really sure if it....if it was me that I was the source of light but that's impossible there is only one in the myths." Tori says and takes a drink from the glass. "Tori I honestly couldn't see much it was too bright to see. I don't believe in saints or anything but I have a feeling that they just did something to create a distraction so they can run" Kaz says before inej bursts into the door."What was that hmm? You want to tell me" inej says ignoring the fact that I'm here. "Be more specific" Kaz says "it was one thing when we had a week to find a way across the fold. But sunrise? We have to say no" Inej says with a bit of anger. "No" Kaz immediately responds. Tori sits back in her chair to watch the two argue like siblings. "No to the job?" Inej questions. "That's a no to saying no" Kaz says looking up from the papers he was studying. "We can't go!" Inej says with anger. Soon it clicked in Tori's head. She wouldn't be able to go with them on the mission. She will be at risk and Haleen wouldn't allow her to go with Kaz knowing the prize money for this job. "Can't we?" Kaz says with anger. "I can't go" tori speaks up and she lifts up her sleeve as they both look at her. "You will. I have a plan" Kaz says and looks at tori his eyes softening for a second. "No you don't" inej says which causes Kaz's cold eyes to come back and look at her. "Inej!" Kaz says in annoyance. "I've worked for you long enough to know when your still figuring things out and you don't know how to pull off this job" inej blurts out. Worry fills Tori's eyes and he looks at her then back at inej. "I still have six hours, and right now, your aren't helping."Kaz spits out with anger. "Maybe you crack a way accord but that doesn't solve this problem does it!" Inej says pulling Tori's wrist infront of Kaz. "If I can't crack this, no one's going" Kaz says bottling up more anger. "And if you do?" Inej says looking at him. "Then maybe you two stay here!" Kaz says finally letting out the anger. The room goes silent and tori pulls back her wrist. She leaves the drink on his table and leaves while slamming the door shut. Kaz drops his head realizing what he's just done and regrets it but he decides to keep his act up. "Maybe we wont be here when you get back" inej says which causes Kaz to look back up at her. While she walks away Kaz puts his head back down for a second "inej! Inej!" Kaz says trying to go after her but she's already gone.

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