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Centuries ago before time and space had a name, there lived nothing but the darkness. Then out of nowhere a spark was ignited to create seven balls of light, each with there respective roles to play as they became women and sisters. The universal sisters.

The eldest was known as starlight, the second was moonlight, then midnight, starbright, nightlight, brightlight and the youngest of them was twilight. Together these sisters brought fourth there respective powers and created the universe. The stars, the planet, the cosmos, all of it. They were the protectors of the world, saving it from any form of darkness that wishes to occur.

It was all for one and one for all between these sisters. Each believing that without the other they couldn't go on. Even if they did see that as a joke it was still true. If one sister dies so will a part of the universe.

Unlike the rest of her sisters, twilight was different. The youngest was known to be quit shy and always thinking that she unworthy for her title because she was the smallest and weakest of her sisters. The older sisters would always comfort her telling her that although she was small she was destined to do great things just like the rest of them. Their words would always bring a small smile to her face, feeling greatful for having them in her life.

One day, a new form of darkness arrived and threaten to rule the universe with eternal darkness. But the universal sisters did not agree and fought for their world. But alas, this new darkness was to strong and unbeatable. Seeing her sisters beaten and bruised and the world about to be overthrown by darkness, twilight could not allow it. She didn't care if it would cost her her life but she just had to do it.

Summoning her inner power and new found determination, twilight was able to defeat the darkness but he also defeated her, spreading a bright light all around the universe. Once it died down, starlight woke up followed by the rest of her sisters as they were in awe and wonder of how the world was anew again. It was then they spotted their younger sister laying there on the ground.

They immediately went towards her and were in shock to see her not breathing. She was gone. She sacrificed herself and in doing so, created a new world. The sisters were in shock at this. But starlight, she was not having it. And so the sisters commence  a retual with there dead sister in their midst. Using all of their powers and might, the six sisters gave up their souls to bring their youngest back because with her still around the universe will live on and so will she.

And with all that said and done, centuries later a new universal sister was born in the form of a human girl.

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