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Inside of Dareth's dojo, the ninja watched as Lloyd and bai he concentrated their energy into turning on the lightbulbs they were holding.

"Focus, you two. Control the power inside you when you feel a surge welling up, harness it. And don't forget to take deep breaths". Jay explained, as the two kids nodded.

"I understand. I am in control". Lloyd groaned, as he focused on all his energy.

"Deep breaths". With her eyes closed, bai he breath in and out while hearing whispers.


'Feel the power'

'Control it'

"Good job, bai he".

"Huh?". The purple ninja snapped her eyes opened from the sudden call of her name.

"You did it".

Jing looked at the ninja smiling down at her before looking at the light bulb she was holding to see it glowing which surprised her. She doesn't even know when she did it.

"Aargh!". The sudden crack of glass immediately draw her attention to Lloyd standing next to her, scowling at the broken pieces of glass on the floor. "Stupid lightbulb! You're putting too much pressure on me". Lloyd said to the ninja. "Let me have one more try".

"Ugh, sorry, Lloyd. That was the last lightbulb". Kai said, while gesturing to all the broken lightbulbs on the ground. "And if we're putting too much pressure, then how come jing's able to do it?".

"Honestly, I'm surprised myself". The little girl said, looking at the lightbulb in her hands as Lloyd groaned.

"Why don't you clean up, Lloyd". Cole suggested, walking towards him with a broom. "We'll continue training tomorrow".

"How about I help you out?". Jing turned off her lightbulb, already having the feeling that someone might be jealous as she hid it behind her. "It's what friends are for, right?".

Lloyd looked at her with wide eyes for a second before frowning as he yanked the broom from the earth ninja and walked away towards a punching back, then began hitting it.

Jay sighed before looking at his sensei. "What am I doing wrong, sensei wu? Bai he got the hang of her powers, but I can't seem to get Lloyd to control his".

They watched as the green ninja hits the punching bag with the broom, only to have it bounce off and hit him in the face, making bai he winch.

"Careful, garmadon". She said, walking over to help him to his feet, until he pulled away from her and glares at his opponent.

"You dare to defy the green ninja?!". He goes back to hitting the punching bag as sensei wu approached Jay.

"Patience, Jay. Sometimes, the greatest opponents we face is ourselves, and that's esspecially true of Lloyd, and even jing. She may be improving in her powers but something tells me that she has a lot going on her mind. And remember where lloyd is came from. He's the son of Lord garmadon. It's going to take time for both of them to embrace the light".

They watched lloyd hitting the obstacle while bai he just grabbed the broom from him and went on to sweep the broken glass. The door then opens and nya comes in wearing her sequin dress.

"Hey, guys".

"HEY, NYA!". Everyone greeted back, except for Lloyd.

"Hey, Jay. . ."

Bai he tuned out from their conversation still sweeping the glass while thinking. For the pass few days she's been hearing those whispers. The lady bone demon's whispers. Of course she wasn't surprised considering the white streak in her hair, and thinks she'd know if she was turning into the lady bone demon or not. She's just starting to have her powers, hair colour and maybe pale skin later? Then what will she do? It's only a matter of time before someone finds out. Not that she doesn't trust the ninja, she's just not sure and afraid. But what should she be afraid of? She's not sure. She's the suppose legendary purple ninja with bone demon powers. Speaking of which, she doesn't think that she's actually performed her power yet. Ice and snow. All she's done so far is just wind, creating a huge crack and turning on a lightbulb. Wait, are these even bone demon powers? Of course not! But . . . Will she get her powers? She hopped not.

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