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Bai he brimstone had no idea how long it's been since she ran away from the others. The thought of being a coward loomed over her thoughts as she finally found a place to stay behind a tree. Sliding down on her back until she sat on the ground, bai he buried her face into her hugged knees as she began to cry.

Suddenly it was like the word around her had faded away into nothing but darkness as she began to sing.

It's so dark, not a star in the sky

Bai he looked up from her crying position at the sky filled with nothing but darkness

With no sound to be heard and reality blurred
Dreams are gone with the light

She got up and began walking around the darkness fearfully

Fading out, 'till the word's far behind
I can't do this alone, i can't find my way home
With this doubt in my mind

A warm sensation coming behind made the girl turn to see a ball of golden ball of light. It flys towards the purple ninja who looks at it in shock and wonder as it flew around her.

Gotta find the courage in me, to stand up and be braver than I've been before
Searching for the courage in me, so I can believe this is what I'm destined for

The ball of light then try to fly away as Jing had no choice but to run after it.

Is this my moment to rise?
Leave the person I was behind
There are storms to come, can I face each one?
Is it time?

Bai he took a giant leap with the help of her wind elemental power, hopping to the other side to follow the light.

Is this my moment to rise?
I've started to realize
Doubts that hold me down begin fading now
Is is my moment to rise?

Bai he kept jumping to follow the light but ended up losing it as she was left in the darkness. Upon making the last landing, she fell on her knees with a heavy heart and a doubtful mind.

As I stand, with a new path to tread

To her surprise, the light came bouncing past her like it was something she had to catch and discover on her own.

The hope in my heart starts to shake as a thought Of what might lie ahead

Bai he got up to her feet watching as the threatening light flew around her, waiting.

Should I fight? There's so much I don't know
Do I push through the fears 'till a new world appears, though I might be alone?

Bai he watched as the light finally stopped in front of her and surprising turns into the ginger cat with a jem in it's forehead.

"Are you ready, Bai he?". He suddenly asked her, but she didn't care as she frows.

"What if I fail?".

"You must face your own fears to protect the people you love".

Bai he looked at the ginger cat hesitantly until she thought about the ninja. All the times that they've spent together, all the adventures that they've been through. They weren't just her friends, they were her family. And Bai he brimstone will do anything for her family.

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