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Laying on her bed, bai he hums as she studies her latest drawing of the lady bone demon and the purple ninja while tapping the end of her purple crayon on her chin. This has been going on all day since the ninja left to get some info on a serpentine they spotted down in Ninjago city, and it's been frustrating. Why can't she figure it out already? Why can't LBD just leave her alone and let her sleep in peace? Bai he sighed, closing her sketchpad and sat up. Maybe this was just a after effect from being possessed for so long and she'll properly be stuck with it for who knows how long. Why can't she just have a normal life, she wondered. The door immediately getting slammed opened caught her attention as it reveals a excited lloyd.

"Jing! The ninja are back and they've got some dirt about the fourth fengblade".

She gasp slightly in surprise. "No way. Really?". She smiled as she put away her drawing materials and got out of bed while the blonde boy nodded.

"Yeah! Come see for yourself".

And the children were off, engaging in a race to get to the bridge. Seconds later they arrived at their destination with bai he in first place.

"Is it true?". She asked egardly, looking at the ninja and others. "You found out about pythor's plan?".

Nya, amused by her childishness, nodded. "Yeah. And look". They all looked at the big screen with the location of the last fengblade the ninja got from the venomari serpentine. "The venomari's right. By the time we cast sail clear across the other side of Ninjago, pythor will have already beat us to the last fengblade".

"Oh, come on, guys. This is the last one. We gotta get it. We gotta think of something". Jay exclaimed, for once being the positive one as he looked around for any sign of a plan among the group.

"Hey!". Everyone turned their attention to the green ninja to be with raised brows. "All we have to do is just get one fengblade to stop him. What if we take back the other three?".

"What do you mean, kid?". Kai asked him, while bai he had a thoughtful look.

"Actually, he might be on to something". She said meeting the eyes of everyone that looked at her. "Pythor wouldn't just risk having all the fengblades on him, right? He properly hid them somewhere safe while he goes for the fourth".

By the time she was done explainning the plan, the ninja were in awe.


"It's so simple".

"Huh, why didn't I think of that?".

"It can't be that easy".

"Easy? My algorithms suggest taking the other three would be far more dangerous". Zane stated. "Pythor would undoubtedly have them protected by his top generals".

"Look on the bright side, at least you ninja won't have to hold back". Bai he pointed out, earning a smirk in return from Kai as he crossed his arms.

"Now you're speaking my language".

"Even if you could steal the other three, you don't even know where they are". Lord garmadon pointed out, his younger brother nodding in agreement.

"He's right. For the past few weeks, there have been almost no serpentine sightings. How are they moving around? It's like they're ghosts".

'But they're not ghosts, they're snakes'. Jing thoughts before both she and nya gasp.

"THAT'S IT!". They chorused.

"That's what? What's it?". Jay raised a brow, watching as the little girl walked towards his crush and they faced the big screen.

"Bridge, give me a sonar sweep of Ninjago". After the samurai said that, the computer showed no activity.

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