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Bai he brimstone panted as she ran threw the jungle like her life depends on it. She then took a leap into the air, covering her fist up in ice before using it to smash a giant Boulder, destroying it. She then lands on a tree branch before sending icicles to destroy another boulder.

Jumping off the tree, she began throwing punches and kicks as if she were fighting someone. She quickly sent a gust of wind to another boulder behind her as if it were going to attack, then sent a energy blast at another one. The purple ninja then took one more leap into the air, the ice covering her hand turning into ice daggers as she came down and stabbed them to the ground to create statues of stone worriers.

"Focus, Bai he".

The bone demon whispers rang in her head, to which she gritted her teeth before running towards them. She moved fast, but her icey blades were faster, slashing throw all the earth statues before she stopped in a pose with one dagger in front and the other in back.

Behind her, the stone worrier statues looked perfectly fine until they collasped into pieces three seconds later

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Behind her, the stone worrier statues looked perfectly fine until they collasped into pieces three seconds later. The sound of clapping made the panting purple ninja stand up straight before turning around to see misako approaching with a smile.

"So this is where you were. And I almost thought that you were with the rest of the ninja. But you're training".

Bai he sighed before giving a chuckle while making the ice daggers shatter away. "Yeah. I just felt like I haven't in a while since we got here".

"Well, there's no time like the present. And might I say, you're hair is quite long and colourful". Misako said, to which Jing gasp. She only just now noticed that her hair was down since the fight at the temple of light. Hopefully since it was night time and the fact that she woke before anyone to train, then maybe no one had seen it yet. She then tried to reach out her hand to tie her hair back into it's ponytail, but misako's hand stopped hers. "I don't understand. Why would you want to hide such beauty".

"Beauty?". Jing repeated with a slight blush at the compliment, but she shook it off. "No. It's just that it's part . . . Of the lady bone demon. And I don't want anyone to see it, at least not now until I'm ready to talk".

"Bai he . . ." Misako started while taking her hands into hers. "I have come across many girls your age during my travels and it's always either one problem or the other with them. And yours doesn't seem any different. You may not control all the events that happens to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Don't use your energy to worry, instead to believe, create, trust, grow, and heal. Focus on the good stuff, it's way more powerful than worrying. You yourself know that overthinking is messing you up. Now is the time you take action and work on it, dear. There is beauty in not only your hair, but in your power as well. And especially in you".

Bai he's eyes sparkled at every word that she said as she was awestruck. She hesitated for a moment as she looks down thoughtfully before looking back at misako's green eyes and smile. It was now or never.

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