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At the Destiny's bounty, the ninja are trying to figure out how to stop pythor from unleashing the great devourer while examining a fang blade hologram in the bridge.

"They got the first one, but there are three more, and we just need one to stop pythor. They have a map, and we don't, so they question remains. How are we gonna find them first?". Nya exclaimed.

"I still can't get over the fact that you were the mysterious samurai. Is anyone else blown away like I am?". Jay asked.

Yeah, so yesterday on their date, the rest of the gang found out that nya was the mysterious samurai x, but jing wasn't really impressed by that. Cuz what really caught her attention was that Jay got a kiss from nya into unlocking his true potential to save her on a out of control roller coaster ride by the serpentine. Bai he frowned at that, beginning to think that she'll never witness the ninja unlocking their full potential. It'll be a miracle if she sees Cole and kai's. But anyway, back to now.

"Actually, I was the first to know that she was samurai, so I'm not surprise". Bai he said, proudly crossing her arms.

"We're over that. Can we move on?". Kai asked annoyance, to which Jay starts speaking gibberish before using his real voice.

"Someone's a little bit under the collar". He taunted, and zane walks inbetween the earth and fire ninja.

"It appears his impatience is because he has not found inner Pease and unlocked his full potential like you and I have, jay".

Kai glared at the ice ninja, putting his hands on his sides. "Great observation, Mr Roboto, but Cole hasn't found it either".

"I got it!". The black ninja spoke up, much to kai's surprise.

"You've unlocked it? Oh, why am I the only one?!".

"I don't quit think that's what he meant, kai". Jing pointed out.

"That's right. But I've figured out where I recognised the fang blade from. I have a picture of it". He runs out of the room to get his picture as Kai sighed in relife.

"Oh, haha, is that it? Heh. Good".

"I got it!". Cole walked back into the room and shows everyone a picture of the fang blade in a photo album.

Jay yanks the book from him. "That's it!".

Jing narrowed her eyes to read the writing written under the picture. "The blade cup. It also sounds . . . Familiar".

"That's because it is". Cole said, gaining their attention. "Back where jing was born and I grew up, there's this pretty big competition where every year the winner gets the blade cup. My dad's won it multiple times".

It finally hit bai he. "Oh, now I remember. I also recall being three or four at time".

"You never told us your dad was an accomplished athlete. What sport?". The white ninja asked.

"Oh, h-he's a, uh . . . A blacksmith". Cole replied.

"Nothing wrong with that. My father was a blacksmith, too. But I've never heard of a competition-".

Jing interrupted the fire ninja. "No, no, no. Our dad wasn't a blacksmith blacksmith. He's actually a royal blacksmith". She said, as she turns a page of the album to show a picture of her dad holding the fang blade cup.

The rest of the ninja and nya snicker that this.

"What's so funny?". Bai he questioned, not liking the way how they were laughing at her dad.

"Nothing-nothing! It's just . . . That's your dad?". The lightning ninja asked.

The nine old glares up at him, to which he gave her a shrug and apologetic smile.

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