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Only 3 days had passed since the slaves liberation. David and Karin has had their hands full in teaching and purchasing new swords and clothing for the demi humans. They at the moment were watching the 5 demi humans in the darkened industrial complex running, blinking and jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

Their abilities to quickly grasp the powers of the void was thanks to David's arcane ability. It was because of this he was able to place a mark of the outsider onto their hands and they excelled quickly and efficiently.

Many things were going to be happening soon and David needed them to be ready. The compound they were in became their home, sure the main warehouse was bland and plain but that was going to change very quickly.

Karin and David watched the 5 demi humans blink side to side in a very intense sparring match. The sounds of blades connecting and bullets flying brought David a sense of pride whilst they fought. David never really saw himself as a teacher, rather an older brother of sorts. But ever since he was thrown into this world he desires to bring the honor and legacy of the whalers with him. To establish a legacy in his and Karin's name.

Several minutes pass by and David blinks infront of one of the demi humans sword. He deflects it before throwing a round house knocking the demi human to the ground.

David: that's enough!!

He shouts getting the attention of everyone. He sheaves his blade before lightly adjusting the mask he wore. He takes a breath and looks at the 5.

David: over the course of a few days you all have grown considerably, and as proud as I am you're next portion of youre training is soon to begin.

Karin smirks under her mask and dangles her feet over the support beam above listening intently on what David had to say. Her red eyes glowing sofly whilst he gives a talk of sorts.

David: we have a mission you are all going to partake, 5 missions for 5 of you.

David pulls out 5 bags of silver and copper. Each bag containing 100 silver and 100 copper. A very expensive amount of money David held in his hands. 1 by 1 he tosses the bag infront of each demi human with a look of shock on their faces.

One walks up confused by the action. A man of feline origin. He holds a soft and shocked expression as he spoke.

???: is this... money? Why are you giving it to us?.

David: this is you're reward if you complete you're mission. Each bag holds an envelope detailing you're mission. If you complete it the money is yours, naturally the opposite is true as well.

Everyone nods and picked up the bags of money and opened their respective envelops, looking through the mission they all have.

David himself was seeing 5 red markers indicating missions he could use for for moneymaking, hes already taken his share of the coin. For the others this was basically a test of stealth and combat prowess.

David: now that you have you're missions, you are also given the liberty to complete it however you see fit apart of 1 restriction... Don't get caught.. understood?

All: yes sir!!!!

David silently swings his hand to the side signaling the 5 demi humans to begin their missions. 2 ran towards the front doors and blinked away while 1 blinked to the ceiling support beams and climbed out the vent while the last two blinked out the window.

David turns to Karin whom was still on the support beam watching everything from above. She smiles and blinks beside David with her mask lowering in the process. David sensing her presence turned around to look at her.

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