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Zhanghao walked into the large building excitedly. The judges were impressed by his talent, and was chosen to be a Boys Planet contestant. This was not an easy decision to make, he had thought on the plane, I've come to Korea all the way from Fujian, I'd better do my best at this wonderful opportunity.

As he marched into the entrance, daydreaming, he accidentally bumped into another guy who was muttering lyrics under his breath.

"Oof," The guy stepped back, laughing. "I'm so sorry!" Zhanghao gasped, "Um, mianhae!" He looked up frantically and saw a pair of friendly, heartwarming eyes greeting him back.

As they caught each other's eye, they both felt an instant connection. It was as if they had known each other for years, even though they had never met before. They couldn't help but smile at each other, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity.

"You're foreign?" The guy questioned. Zhanghao nodded shyly, "You sing well."

The guy laughed again as Zhanghao began to find it attracting. "I'm a Boys Planet contestant, and I assume you are too. I'm practicing for the Star Level Test, our first task. I'm Sung Han Bin, what about you?"

"Ah," Zhanghao suddenly forgot his name, "I'm Fujian from Zhanghao- I mean, Zhanghao from... um... Fujian, hehe."

Luckily Hanbin took that as a joke and chuckled. "Year?"

"00." Zhanghao eyed Hanbin up and down, "I bet your a minor or something."

"Nope, I'm a 01 liner. Anyways, see you around, Hao-hyung!" As Hanbin said that he walked away.

"See you," Zhanghao whispered as he hoped he would.

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