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After the tomboy stage, the 3rd task was announced. Star Creators had chosen songs for each of the contestants. Zhanghao and Hanbin had different styles, so they couldn't be in the same team even though the audience loved shipping them. They wanted to make sure Haobin debuted together, hand in hand.

Zhanghao was part of the cool and charismatic "Over Me" Team, and Hanbin was part of the cute and charming "Say My Name" team. Despiting that they were both on different teams, they met each other every day in the fourth-floor washroom during the practice break.

"Hao-hyung!" Hanbin sat up immediately as he saw Zhanghao stride in gleefully. "Half an hour's break," He sat on the edge of the sink happily, "I still can't overcome the fact I was chosen to be the killing part, once and for all." He was smiling widely, making Hanbin laugh too.

"You announced that a few days ago already," Hanbin nudged him playfully, "But I am happy for you too, hyung."

"So how's it going with your team?" Zhanghao rinsed his hands from the sink behind him. Hanbin shrugged. "Woongki is literally our sunshine. He pranked Yujin, Jiwoong and me first, and now he's planning on twerking rapidly during the bridge. I have no comments."

Zhanghao nodded. "He's a laugh, alright. We've found outfits, and the theme and am practising the choreography, which I admit is quite difficult."

"Then it must be difficult for others too," Hanbin flirted shamelessly, "Seeing as you're the world's greatest dancer, the greatest masterpiece I have ever seen."

"N...not quite, thanks," Zhanghao blushed at this flattering comment. He couldn't resist it when Hanbin flirted. "In my mind, you are, and you can't change my mind," Hanbin rested his hand on Zhanghao's shoulder softly, making his face redden even more. "Hey," he whispered, straightening himself.

His hip knocked against the water tap, turning it on. Water sprayed everywhere, including them. "Geez, you're all wet, hyung," Hanbin peeked at Zhanghao, whose shirt was becoming see-through.

"Obviously..." Zhanghao turned around, covering himself, but then he heard Ricky calling him that the break was almost over. He turned back to Hanbin sighing, "What shall I do?"

"Well, I'm drenched too," Hanbin looked at themselves, "My dorm is the nearest. I'll grab a shirt for you." Ricky yelled again, his voice sounding closer this time. "Can I come too? Ricky's going to bomb me with questions again."

Hanbin blinked nervously. "S...sure." He suddenly felt ultra shy as he trailed off.

Zhanghao followed Hanbin to his dorm. Just like before, Zhanghao sat on Hanbin's bed uninvitingly, "Here's a spare white shirt," Hanbin buried his face in his closet, pretending that he didn't know he had picked out an identical shirt like his.

"Thanks," Zhanghao mumbled, the tension in the room increasing awkwardly.

Hanbin flexed his fingers, looking at Zhanghao every few seconds. They caught each other's eye in no time.

"Aren't you going to change?" Hanbin muttered inquiringly, "T...There's a bathroom there." Zhanghao just nodded as he went off.

The door suddenly burst open. Hanbin looked up, expecting to see Ricky, but it was Matthew, looking mad AF.

"Matthew?" Hanbin blinked, "Can you knock?"

Matthew ignored him entirely and stood next to him. "Who's in the washroom?"


"I said, who's in the washroom?"

"It's none of your business-"

Zhanghao came out, wearing Hanbin's shirt which Matthew recognized immediately. At one point, Hanbin saw Matthew's eyes fill up with tears, but the sadness was quickly replaced with fury.

"Hao-hyung, can you, um, leave? You can keep the shirt," Hanbin mumbled to Zhanghao, who was looking super confused, "Please." Matthew huffed super loudly, rolling his eyes.

As Zhanghao cleared off, Hanbin began to rant. "What are you doing? Why do you have to cry?"

"You like Hao-hyung, right?"

"N...no, I..." Seeing Hanbin's expression, Matthew knew the answer right away.

As he tried to process his emotions, Matthew couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment and rejection. He had always thought that Hanbin was the one for him, ever since they met each other, but now he realized that he had been reading the signs wrong. He felt foolish for putting so much of himself into this crush, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had missed out on other opportunities because of it.

Despite his disappointment, Matthew knew that he couldn't force Hanbin to like him back. Or could he?

"Why do you like Hao-hyung? Why does he have that I don't?"

"I don't-"

"Don't lie to me! I've seen the way you look at him-"

"Matthew, please shut up!"

It was the first him Hanbin shouted at Matthew this harshly. It shook the both of them at the same time. Hanbin's mouth dangled open. He apologised immediately, "I'm sorry, Matthew, I didn't mean-"

"Fine. But let me keep my original part in Say My Name."

"What do you mean?"

"They eliminated the contestants just now and only announced it online. The eliminated was only given a notice. I guess you didn't know because you were with that btch. You said earlier, that if our groupmates were eliminated you guys had to change my part. Here's our final groupmates."

Matthew gave him a slip and eyed Hanbin as he read it carefully.

"I...I can't believe this... We only have five left and I-"

"So can I keep my part?"

"I...I don't think so... I'm sorry..." Hanbin began to spout the reasons, trying his best to comfort Matthew.

"Is this because I ran into you and that Zhanghao?" Matthew suddenly yelled, startling Hanbin.

"Don't call him that Zhanghao, and of course it isn't, I just told you the reasons, I-"

Matthew seemed to have mistaken it. He ran out and slammed the door in a hurry, sulking on his way to the practice room.

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