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The Dual Position Battle started a few days later. The trainees gathered in the auditorium and the fourth Star Master reveals and explains the second mission. The starts and each contestant has to choose one of the twelve songs divided into the three categories "Vocal & Rap", "Vocal & Dance", and "Rap & Dance". Once a team hits its maximum number of members, higher-ranked trainees can replace lower-ranking trainees from the group to free up a spot for themselves. Contestants are urged to include a creative element in their performances, might it be changing parts of the choreography or writing new lyrics themselves. 

Zhanghao was ranked five during the First Survival Announcement, and Hanbin luckily the first. Zhanghao had his eyes locked on Tomboy by (G)I-DLE, as it was one of his favourite idols, and he fell in love with the song once he heard its catchy rhythm and melodic tune.

He nibbled his lip nervously as he eyed the trainees walking down that aisle and pushing out others for themselves. He said a silent prayer, thankful that he was high-ranked, and hopefully the others wouldn't replace him.

Gunwook, a trainee that he thought was scary, walked up to the spot and stood beside Woongki. "I'm so sorry, hyung," He mumbled penitantly, apologising every second. "It's okay," Woongki laughed cheerfully, comforting him instead of himself. He walked away from the team, drooping, making Gunwook more upset. "That feels a lot worse than expected," He whispered to the member beside him, sighing, "It hurts more than I thought I would..." They looked at Woongki, who was still dangling in the middle. Seeing his tiny shadow, Gunwook considered calling him back, but then-

Woongki straightened up, twisted his arms above his head, and sashayed to the Feel Special stand. Everyone couldn't help and laugh. "Our likeable, amusing Woongki-boi!"

Gunwook blinked comically. "Okay, nothing, I feel fine now!" He laughed along with the others.

After a few more exchanges, Hoetaek and Zhanghao moved into the Tomboy team. Hanbin being the one to choose the final position, grinned victoriously. Gunwook aced at rapping, Hoetaek was an experienced legend, and Zhanghao was literally the world to him.

As everyone settled down in their new groups, Zhanghao and Hanbin looked at each other at the same time. "Hao-hyung," Hanbin smiled widely, "Yaey!" Zhanghao couldn't hide his excitement either, and grinned sweetly. Hoetaek shook his head, "These kids!" Gunwook, who was also a drama boy, laughed, "This is going to be amazing."


"Tomboy group is gonna win, for sure, no doubt!"

"Yeah, did you see them at practice?"

"They're awesome..."

"Absolutely aces."

That was what Hanbin had heard backstage. Then why, why was Zhanghao voted the trainee that needed to improve? Now his hyung wasn't feeling well, and was sulking in a corner. He felt frustrated about the comments and wanted to thump someone, so hard right now.

"Hyung," Hanbin called softly, "Are you okay?" Zhanghao continued to shake his head and pouted. Hanbin wanted to hug him and protect him from the world.

He watched Zhanghao going to the washroom. He stayed in there for a while, until Hanbin followed him and found him weeping silently in a stall.

"Hao-hyung," He knocked on the door, "Please come out. I'm scared."

Instead, Zhanghao unlocked the door, still hiding his tearful face. Hanbin squeezed beside him, "I don't agree with them. You did great." Seeing Zhanghao still crying, he gently pried off his folded arms and started a therapy session. At least hyung is talking, Hanbin smiled in the midst of Zhanghao's sulks.

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