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Hanbin's POV

"So, you guys will be debuting under WAKEONE as a part of the group ZEROBASEONE. I am your manager, Jin Siwon." An important, looking man strides into the room, nodding at us, "The final members are Han Yujin, Kim Jiwoong, Kim Gyuvin, Kim Taerae, Park Gunwook, 𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓴𝔂, Seok Matthew, Sung Hanbin and Zhang Hao."

Hao-hyung and I were standing at the back of the room, beaming at the last two names. The day we knew we would debut together was one of the best days we shared.

"You guys aren't as free as before though," Siwon reminds us sternly, "You must follow our company rules. Here are some basic ones. We suggest you to follow our practice timetables and suggested diets." He flipped through this enormous book filled with rules. We gaped at the never-ending pages. And he told me the few ones he were talking about were just the basics?

"No saying private thoughts or insulting things in public," Siwon eyes is all, "No dissing and ruining WAKEONE's image." He kept babbling down the long row of tiled till I felt like punching him in the gab. But then he used Halhying and me specifically before spouting which were filled with intense horror. Gunwook but his lip and stood in front of us protectively, hiding us from Siwon's sight. Matthew nodddd at Taerae who mumbled "we got it" for all of us. I motioned for Hao-hyung to meet me at the bathroom later.


"Hao-hyung, what shall we do? It's either the industry ticket that we fought for two months, or our love that we cherished so much!" I was hanging on to his arm desperately. I was certain I would choose our love, which meant the world to me. Damn, I could give up anything for him.

"Don't fret so," Hao-hyung embraced me tenderly and kissed my neck. "They won't notice. I swear." He walked away, not really answering my question.

I wonder what happens if you break a swear. Whatever were the consequences, I knew it wouldn't be as dreadful as what popped up on the web a week later.

Hao-hyung and I are practicing for our Kcon performance in May when a WAKEONE staff in a hat burst in and called our names sternly, "Siwon wants you." Glancing at each other alarmingly, we walk up 69 floors to Siwon's office.

"M...Mr Kim," We stuttered at the same time, "You wanted to see us?"

"Sung Hanbin, Zhang Hao," Siwon sighed, "You two are going to be the death of me. Do you guys have any idea of what's trending?"

We shook our heads truthfully. We've been so caught up in work lately, that we haven't anytime to use our phones. We mostly spent our breaks giggling water or snogging in the bathroom.

"Well, outdaters, take a good look at these," Siwon slammed his phone in my face angrily, making my nose hurt like hell. I removed it as we watched the video playing. Someone had recorded Hao-hyung and I at the finale from a higher view. But it wasn't us on stage. It was us beneath the stage, me stroking Hao-hyung and leaning of him for comfort. Someone must have seen and recorded it. We were doomed.

"You two, care to explain?!" Siwon stretched, glaring, "I love that our group are viral because of this, but!" He glared, pointing to his enormous file full of crappy rules.

"Um... we-" Hao-hyung stuttered, not knowing what to say. "I'm willing to terminate the contract if you can't stand me breaking this rule," I cut in bravely. Hao-hyung let out a huge gasp. "WHAT?!"

"I am for real," I nodddd, "I can leave this group for us, Hao-hyung." Siwon raised his eyebrows, amused. "Are you sure?" Hao-hyung's mouth dropped, "Sir, ignore what he says. He hasn't figured out what's going on."

"What do you mean?" I shrieked, "I perfectly know what's going on!"

"Calm down, Hanbin, terminating the contact we fought for two months so what you're saying," Hao-hyung rolled his eyes. Things weren't going as I expected. "What? Won't you do so too?!" I was really puzzled, "But we talked about this and you said..." I suddenly remembered that Hao-hyung hadn't actually said he'd choose me over his career, he just promised that we wouldn't get caught. Now what should we do?

My throat closed up as tears welled in my eyes, they poured down uncontrollably, my heart suddenly heavy. "Give us a week to clear this out sir, we'll come up with a solution." He dragged me out and cleaned my face kindly in the washroom, but he didn't make skinship with me like he used to. Although I already sensed that something was wrong a few minutes ago, this made me see more.

"Dear God, Hanbinnie," Hao-hyung began to cry after seeing my reaction, "I'm so sorry, but I couldn't make up my mind and- I'm sorry I upset you."

"Me or your career, hyung! Is it that hard?" I stared at him with wilful eyes, "Please answer me properly this time, I deserve to know."

Hao-hyung sighed deeply. "I..it's complicated. It's hard to choose -so hard to choose- but it's even harder to break it to you."

"J... just tell me, hyung," I trembled.

"I...I've worked hard for my dream, I left my hometown and my old life, so... Hanbin," Tears were streaming down his face too as he grabbed hold of my shoulders. "C... can we stay friends? Close friends?"

Of course. I couldn't believe how I thought so selfishly. He came from a different country and started a new life to showcase his potential, why would he give up all this for a useless, clingy boy like me?

"Hanbin-ah," Hao-hyung pulled me close, "I'm sorry, this is all my fault. I want us to be together and this is why I hate making decisions-"

"It's not your fault." I escaped from his grasp gently, "it's me, you're not ruining your life because of me. I'm blocking your way, and I should be the one leaving."

"Don't blame it on you," Hao-hyung shook his head aggressively, "I'm the one letting us down."

"No, no," I weeped, stepping back, "Don't think that. I'll stay out of your way from now on. Goodbye."


"I BEG YOU, PLEASE DON'T FOLLOW ME!" I ran away from the bathroom, past the practice room, past all my members' shocked faces and out of the building where I just had the biggest heartbreak ever.

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