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Zhanghao's POV
"The next team coming up is...
Over Me team!"

I breathed out nervously, standing up. Hanbin sensed my agitation and squeezed my hand, reminding me he was always watching and rooting for me. By the time I went on stage my face was as red as the background. Ricky realised and gave me a slight pinch, "You dare think about Hanbin during the show and I'll burn your violin."

I rolled at my eyes at his "threat", but I knew I couldn't accomplish that. I sang my lines, I did my part, but another film was replaying in my head, involving me and Hanbin in a bathroom stall, heads desperately close...

The beat dropped, snapping me out of my fantasy. Jay hit the high note, which was the cue for me to slither on the ground. I swore I was super sexy (I have acknowledged my handsome face) and totally KILLED the Killing Part.

Hanbin's group mates had went off already but he was still waiting for me in the hallway, giving me a broad encouraging smile. "I'm sure you'll win, Hanbinie," I gave him a quick kiss on his flushed cheek.

"And I'm sure your violin will be incinerated soon," Ricky joined in with a gleam in his eye, "Next up is the blanket covering you guys. When will you ever learn?" He was trying to be stern, but he couldn't hide his laugh and gave me a small pat on the back, letting me know he was always here for me. We walked to the crowded room together, Ricky smiling after me and Hanbin, who was clinging to my hand like a koala. Sadly, he had to let go when the winner was about to be announced. You had no idea how I missed his touch immediately.

Others were debating whether Say My Name or En Garde would win. Both teams had outstanding members, and I was sure they would top the charts off.

What came next was a shock for all of us. Super Charger team and Switch team both had 400+ points, and we thought that was the average, but then!!!

I heard Hanbin gasping when Over Me popped up with unexpectedly 600+ points, currently the highest score. We were amazed too as we felt the whole room holding their breaths, waiting for the final scores.

Kuanjui bursts into tears when we were announced the winner. Hanbin dashes up and intertwined our fingers, babbling congratulations and embracing me in front of everyone. What happened there and then was a blur as I passed out soon out of excitement.

2 weeks later

"It's our final stage in Boys Planet soon, hyung," Hanbin whispers softly in my ear as we peek at the cheering audience. Theyre shouting their pick's name like their life depended on it, and I could catch my name in between.

What happened over the few weeks was just... unbelievable.

It was unbelievable that I went on M Countdown twice.

It was unbelievable that after the 3rd Elimination, Ricky and I were the only Chinese contestants left.

It was unbelievable Hanbin and I were chosen for the Killing Part of our own groups for the final stage.

And it was unbelievable that Hanbin and I spent most of our break time in the washroom. It was starting to be our top priority place.

"Hyung," Hanbin repeats, "It's nearly time for Jelly Pop to go on stage. Aren't you nervous?"

"Who do you think I am?" I laugh cheekily, "Its our first time performing live in front of our audiences, and this will be my last stage in Boys Planet! Of course I'm nervous, but I can't bear to part with this show. So many things have happened in the past two months," I playfully wink at Hanbin, who realises and is blushing beetroot.

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