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Hanbin's POV
We walked back to my dorm quietly. "Thanks for saying those words to Matthew, hyung," I nestled against his shoulder, "I really wanted to help Matthew with his position, but this isn't a solo project."

"I understand. I'll always be here for him, and I mean it. It's been wonderful meeting new friends here, and if I don't go the successful way at last, at least I got to meet you guys," Hao-hyung nodded warmly.

"I'll be here for Matthew too! That's what friends are for," I grasped his hand tightly, touched by his earlier speech. "I bet Jiwoong will be there for Matthew too," He chuckled, "They'll be sweet together. Did you see how Jiwoong carried tiny Matthew across the grounds?" By this time we were in front of the dorm. I fiddled with the lock. It was a bit cloggy.

"It was so funny, we kept laughing," I replied, "Well, I'm always here for you too, hyung." I blushed beetroot, shaking the key vigorously.

"Me too. I'm always here for you," Hao-hyung stuttered, his words suddenly unrecognizable. He was breathing super fast. I finally took care of the key and put my hand on the doorknob to twist it. I felt another hand placed on mine warmly and looked at Hao.

There was a soft clash between my face and his. He was still breathing hard, still waiting for a response.

I cupped my free hand over his cheek, his face was sharp and angular, and his jaw tensed, as though he was worried I'd back away. I didn't and kissed back. It was a few more seconds until he noticed.

He gasped and pulled back. 'I'm sorry-'

"It's okay, I lo- Hyung!"

He was running away frantically, shocked by what he just did. I stood there, not knowing what to do. "What the hell are you doing, just standing there?!" Yujin yelled out of nowhere, Gunwook and Gyuvin trying to strangle him, "Chase him! NOW!"

I ran after Hao-hyung like my life depended on it as Yujin said. "Hao-hyung! Wait!" I screamed as he ran faster and faster. I caught him before he reached his dorm. "Please, wait for a minute-" I gripped his hand anxiously, "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?"

"I...I..." He mumbled, but he couldn't finish his sentence as I pressed my lips against his. "Don't run away next time, okay?" I smiled as I pulled away only a few inches. "Next time?" Hao-hyung smiled as I leaned in again. We didn't care that we were doing it in front of our door, not even in front of our friends' sight.

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