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Zhanghao's POV
I was chased out of Hanbin's room in a hurry. I fingered his shirt, wondering what did he do to make his best friend so angry.

I forgot about my best friend.

"Hello, Zhang Hao," Ricky came over with a sarcastic smile on his face as he shook my hand, "Break is over, we have to practice, and I have to collect you at Hanbin's place AGAIN! Specify the keyword." His eyes fell onto Hanbin's shirt. Then he looked at my wet shirt which I was clenching. His mouth dangled open as he made a sour face.

"What are you thinking?" I glared at him, "Stop thinking..."

"You're sharing closets with him now?" Ricky clapped his hand enjoyably, "I don't want to know what you did in there, but I am your Number One Shipper-"

"We didn't do anything! Stop it!" I wailed at his enthusiasm, getting fed up with each minute. "Then please explain what where you doing inside!"

"Please! We were just in the toilet and the water tap accidentally drenched my shirt-"

"JESUS CHRIST!" Ricky jumped, making everyone look at him, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING IN THE BATHROOM?!"

"Shhh!" I grabbed his hand, "You're making everyone look at us and they'll hear!"

"As if they haven't sussed it out yet," Ricky shook it off, walking back as I followed.

I heard Hanbin's door clack and hoped to see him coming out. Instead, it was Matthew, who knocked against my shoulder strongly when he dashed by.

"What was that?" I stared at Matthew, who was already at the corner. "I should go check on him..." I ran after him, but Ricky stopped me, furrowing his eyebrows. "I think I know what's going on, and I'll tell you later, because I have a hunch it's something terrible. We have to practice first." He grabbed ahold of my shoulders, "Let's focus on the competition first, please."

"Why do you think Matthew is mad at Hanbin and me?" I questioned Ricky innocently as he inhaled deeply. "Don't you get it? He's jealous of you and Hanbin. As well as a young and rich, tall and handsome charisma boss," He flipped his hair, "I'm also a love expert. I think Matthew has a crush on his best friend for a long time, but then always trying to meet Hanbin means he knows how much time you and Hanbin spend together. His heart must be broken by now. Poor Matthew," He shook his head sympathetically.

"Are you sure? If it is, I'm going to meet him right now," I ran towards the "Say My Name" team practice room, leaving Ricky behind again. He yelled after me but had no intention of stopping me.

Matthew was sitting at a table outside the practice room, his head buried in his folded hands, tears secretly flowing down his eyes. I walked up to him, caressing his hair. I knew he didn't want me to interfere with his business but I still said what I wanted to say.

"Matthew, I am sorry to hear that you are feeling sad. Please know that Hanbin and I are here for you and we care about you deeply. It's okay to not be okay sometimes, and it's important to give yourself space to feel your emotions. If you need someone to talk to or just a listening ear, I am always here for you. Together, we will get through this.

I understand that it's normal to feel jealous when your crush is very close to me. Hanbin and I... are... just close friends." I think I said that multiple times each hour and seemed to have no effect on others whatsoever. "I suggest you talk to Hanbin and sort things out. You guys have a wonderful friendship that anyone could wish for. I don't think you guys would like this relationship to end like this."

I paused, waiting for him to reply. There was an awkward silence until Matthew looked up and saw me still standing there.

"Did I act like trash just now?"

I bit my lip. "Um, no, but I assume you upset most of us, including yourself."

"I wasn't exactly being sane just now to Hanbin, right?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hanbin peeking through the practice room door wistfully.

"I don't know, but you were probably just overcome with emotions. Even though you were a bit mean..."

"Noooo..." Matthew weeped, looking like he wanted to bury a hole and crawl into it.

"Is there anything else bothering you?" I winked at Hanbin. "I...I wanted to keep my own part, because it has the most English and my family could hear it, but Hanbin-hyung wouldn't let me and I think it's because of my outburst and jealousy..."

Hanbin gasped dramatically. "That's not why! I told you, this isn't a solo project, it's for the group! I'm sorry that your parents won't be able to hear you spouting wonderful English, but you have other talents too! We were also a bit harsh earlier. I'm sorry." He wrapped Matthew in a big hug and gave me a shy acknowledgement nod.

"Is he okay?" Jiwoong stuck his head out of the door like Hanbin just did, looking at Matthew concerningly.

"Well, I just told him, and-" Before Hanbin could finish his sentence, Jiwoong lifted Matthew, took him in a bridal style, and carried him back into the practice room. "You guys enjoy!" He yelled.

Hanbin and I stared at Mattwoong, gaping ridiculously. We looked at each other, burst into laughter, then walked back to Hanbin's dorm hand in hand.

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