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Zhanghao's POV

My heart raced as I sat across from Youngeun, my hands trembling with mixture of fear and anticipation. Her eyes gleamed with mischief and triumph, satisfied with my reaction. My head felt dizzy as I tried to rewind what she said.

"Youngeun, are you sure about what you're saying?" I asked, my voice betraying a hint of desperation.

Youngeun nodded, a sly smile playing on her lips. "I wouldn't lie about something like this, Zhanghao. I have Hanbin's son."

My mind whirled, as my eyes started to blur. Despite the argument, memories of my time with Hanbin started flooding back.

"Where is he?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. My heart ached with the possibility that Hanbin had started a family in the past without me.

Youngeun leaned forward, her eyes narrowing with feigned sympathy. "Minjae's with me, Zhanghao. I've been taking care of him all this time."

My mind raced, torn between disbelief and desperate hope. Could it be true? Had Hanbin fathered a child without telling me?

"Why are you telling me this now?" My voice quivered, my heart pounding loudly.

Youngeun's smile widened, a glimmer of satisfaction dancing in her eyes. "Because I want you to know what you've lost, Zhanghao. I want you to feel the pain that I've endured all these years. And I want you to suffer as I have suffered."

"That's enough, you crazy manipulative devil," Hanbin rushes out from the door, pushing Youngeun off the bench in a rage, shocking me instantly, "I'm sick and tired of all your twisted lies and stories. Could you just **** off and live me and my boyfriend alone?"

"Sung Hanbin!" I gasped, "What the hell are you doing? Apologise immediately!" Even though I was half sure Youngeun had other intentions and she hated Hanbin for life, pushing a woman off a bench was not a gentlemanly thing to do. "Look, Youngeun's already crying!"

"She's just a perfect actress who likes to ruin others lives," Hanbin sniffed contemptuously, "Stay away from this bish."

"Why do you have to be so cruel to me after our break up? You're the father of my son!" Youngeun sobbed dramatically, glaring at Hanbin.

"I felt uncomfortable with you, and I was even more sure of that when you threw the vending machines out of the window. And there is no son," Hanbin muttered.

"How could you say that?!" Youngeun grabbed her phone and began to search through her photos, "Look!"

She was showing a boy with small eyes and nose like Youngeun but fine skin and cute lips like Hanbin. With that, I acknowledged it and let my heart shatter.

Hanbin looked like a volcano about to erupt. "Don't say anything, Hanbin. The truth is already unveiled, it's no use pretending anymore," I muttered sadly, leaving my seat, heading for the door.

"Hao-hyung, let me explain-" Hanbin grabs my sleeve desperately, his eyes brimming with tears, "You can't just leave like this and forget what happened between us because you believed Youngeun's sleazy lie. There isn't any real confirmation, there are one million possibilities that the proof she holds are fake, and-"

"Hanbin..." I lifted his hand and removed it softly, "I want us to stay friends, I thought I already said that clear enough earlier, regarding Wakeone's rules. I don't want any of this to happen too. Remember that."  The heavy atmosphere weighed on me, but I chose to restrain my emotions and find solace elsewhere. As expected, someone would follow me and stop me from doing so.

"Hao-hyung!" I felt Hanbin's shaky voice and heavy breath behind me. I turned around, knowing there would be a lot of talking and heartbreaking coming up. Our love, once strong and unyielding, now hung in the balance. Hanbin's trembling voice broke through the heavy silence.

"Honey, please... you have to believe me," Hanbin pleaded, his voice choked with emotion. I admit I was startled by the nickname he called me. "She's lying, I swear. I've never had any contact with Mo Youngeun since we broke up, nothing had happened between us. A...and I don't want us to break up, I know you don't want to, it's because if this ridiculous rule, but... give us a chance. You're the one that I want, I can't bear the thought of losing you, Hao-hyung, I would never betray you. Our love is real, and it's worth fighting for. Don't let baseless accusations tear us apart."

Please, please don't say anything, or else...

Hanbin took a step forward, his hand trembling as he reached out to touch my cheek. His voice was cracking with raw vulnerability. "Honey, I'm begging you... Let's talk this through. We can find a way to overcome this obstacle together. Our love is stronger than any rule, any lie."

Hanbin stared at me, waiting for a response. My cheek was getting wet, a mixture of his sweat and my tears. "I'm sorry, Hanbin," My voice cracked like his, as I stopped the urge to give him our last kiss and rushed out of the bathroom.

-Third Person's POV-

In the dimly lit bathroom, Hanbin leaned against the cold tiled wall, his shoulders trembling with the weight of his shattered heart. Silent tears streamed down his face, mingling with the droplets from the faucet that dripped rhythmically into the sink. Each sob that escaped his lips echoed within the confined space, a poignant melody of pain and loss. His heartache consumed him, an overwhelming ache that gnawed at his core, leaving him feeling empty and raw. In that solitary moment, he heard a pair of heavy footsteps, but it wasn't the one he wished for badly, nor the members who cared for him. Instead, it was the one he dreaded the most.

A fierce, manicured hand grabbed Hanbin's hair cruelly, making him squeak and stand up in an instant. His heart raced as he glimpsed Youngeun, her eyes ablaze with a vindictive determination he had never witnessed before. Beside her stood a menacing figure, her new boyfriend, Jiwoo, their gazes fixed on him with sinister intent. Panic surged through Hanbin's veins, his tear-stained face transforming from sorrow to sheer terror.

Frozen in disbelief, he could only watch as they advanced towards him, their footsteps echoing ominously against the tiled floor. His mind raced, desperately searching for an escape, but his trembling legs refused to obey. Hanbin's voice caught in his throat, stifled by a mixture of fear and confusion. How had both his messy relationships led to such a dark turn?

As they closed in, he caught a glimpse of their twisted smiles, a sick satisfaction emanating from their faces. Their plan was clear: to abduct him, to snatch away his freedom and subject him to a life of torment. In that harrowing moment, Hanbin's resolve began to flicker amidst the fear. He knew he had to summon every ounce of courage he possessed, to fight against this unexpected threat that had invaded his sanctuary.

Jiwoo and Youngeun exchanged glances, as Jiwoo covered Hanbin's mouth with a tight bandage. Hanbin felt like the world was against him, as he felt himself tumbling into a never ending darkness, the future no longer holding any promise.


Sorry for the super late update! I moved to a new country (from Hong Kong to UK) a few weeks ago so I was super busy, things are settling quite well now, so I'll try to update often! <3

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