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PONYBOY HUNG OUT WITH HIS THREE AVAILABLE FRIENDS, DALLAS, JOHNNY, AND TWO-BIT. those were his only unemployed friends, except for dallas but he worked at night in a bar owned by his friend buck who is also letting him sleep somewhere upstairs. two-bit doesn't have a job, he just hangs out with ponyboy and johnny and get drunk everyday. johnny however, he's always by ponyboy's side.

the group of four were hanging out at the diner near the dx, they planned on visiting sodapop and steve after they were finished. they were done with their food but just wanted to hang around to kill time.

"this chick, arabella is a dime." dallas mentions.

"arabella is chris harmon's cousin, ya prick!" two-bit scolded.

"so what? broad's got the hots for me, i see it everyday in the hallway." dallas smirks with a toothpick hanging out of his lips.

"dally, the hallway is the only class you go to so you mean you've seen it once everyday?" ponyboy scoffed, "she's barely in school you know?"

johnny shook his head, "i thought i saw her everyday, you're telling me she's in and out?"

"yeah johnny, i don't know what you're seeing everyday." ponyboy snickered, everyone laughed.

ponyboy took a sip of his milkshake when two-bit was about to open his mouth, "hey dal, you know ponyboy right here asked lilly harmon out this friday."

"yeah right, and sylvia isn't cheating on me." dallas denied.

they all just stared at him as he took a sip of his root beer, dallas realized they were serious.

"shit, you ain't kidding."

everyone spent the entire time making fun of ponyboy for asking a soc out, johnny didn't though, he just sat there saying nothing until he thought it was over. he didn't want to say anything because ponyboy's been on his back lately, always taunting him about his parents any time johnny would try to make a joke about him.

nobody noticed johnny not saying anything since they were all so used to johnny not doing anything. he was a glass child but no one bothered to see right through him.

as the four jokesters still sat around insulting each other, debra and lilly walk through the diner door. ponyboy's eyes gazed off into space but he was just looking lilly who was sitting by the counter with debra.

"don't be staring to hard, pony, could ruin your vision." two-but whispered in his ear.

dallas laughed a bit too hard that chocolate milk spilled out from his cup, "man, you made me make a mess!"

"here, dal." johnny says as he hands dallas his last clean napkin.

"thanks, johnny." dallas says nonchalantly.

dallas ended up with a stained white t-shirt but he was not mad about it, it wasn't his favorite shirt even though all of his shirts are just plain white tees.

                                        THE CALENDAR STRUCK WEDNESDAY, i had made plans with lilly for tomorrow. dally asked to tag along because he knew he wouldn't have anything better to do ever since sylvia two-timed him once again. two-bit said he could come because he didn't want to be the only one third wheeling, he was going around saying that johnny had a little crush on debra but i don't believe it.

i was just sitting in my room studying for history as soda walked in all dirty from work, he was covered in grease. i looked at my clock and it was only 9:30 pm, he came home later than usual.

"what took you so long?" i turned around to ask.

"boss asked me to close because he had to go to the hospital." soda simply explained as he was untying his boot.

"hospital, what for?" i asked in confusion.

"his daughter or something, she went in for stomach pain." soda shrugged, "i ain't no doctor so i don't know."

"ain't isn't a word, soda." i glared at him.

"pony, you use it most of the time."

i just shook my head and laughed as soda got up to leave the room. my pencil was scribbling left to right on my paper until i heard the door swing open, i wasn't expecting anyone over because darry was asleep and soda was in the shower, nobody from the gang said they were stopping by this late.

i crept into the living room to see johnny cade who was badly beaten with cuts and fresh bruises on his face, he was in a stiff position when he came in. i ran over to him with a worried expression.

"jesus, johnny!" i shrieked as the blood from his face dropped down.

darry stormed out of his room with rage, "can't i just get some sleep in her- johnny!"

"i watched darry speed away to the medicine cabinet, trying to find the kit. i sat johnny down who was still shaking nonstop.

"how long ago was this?" i questioned.

"about 20 minutes ago, i couldn't run because my stomach just hurt too much." johnny groaned.

darry came back with the kit, he pushed me away as he helped johnny clean up his scars. soda came out of the shower just in time but was horrified to see what he walked in on.

"jesus, the socs did it, didn't they?!" soda asked.

"god damn it, yes the socs did it!" darry exploded, "both of you go to your rooms and just stay in there!"

we turned around to head to our rooms, soda closed the door behind us. i went back to studying but it just wasn't the same, i couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened, it's not a usual thing but it wasn't a surprise either.

i rested my head on top of my palm and just stared at my notebook. this history test will be the death of me by tomorrow.


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