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                                        IT'S BEEN THREE DAYS SINCE PONYBOY AND JOHNNY HAD RETURNED FROM WINDRIXVILLE, meaning it's been three days since lilly and ponyboy last talked, it's been driving him insane. all of ponyboy's friends decided to pay a visit at his house. two-bit obviously only showed up for the beer and cake, he knew there' d be cake because of darry's relief cooking.

however, ponyboy remained in his bedroom while his friends were back to the good old routine they did before ponyboy and johnny ran away. it was almost as if they hadn't ran away in the first place.

the rest were all throwing stuff at each other, talking about girls from the dx, and the rumors two-bit hears every week he's there.

"olivia bryce was smoking hot when she stopped by the dx the other day." sodapop claims.

"yeah and all you got was a I hope your brother gets home safe." steve snickers.

"talk about hot broads, that cherry valance is a doll." tim adds.

"how about your sister, angela?" dallas chimes in, wiggling his brows.

"i'm gonna rip your head off you son of a bitch." tim threatens.

tim came towards dallas, sending dallas off of the arm chair and to the ground. they were wrestling each other, one would escape the headlock or the other would try to get some swings. the guys weren't gonna bother to break up the fight because it was tim and dallas, the fight will end itself eventually.

darry walks out with a fresh baked chocolate cake in his hands, his eyes went to the two boys wrestling but darry didn't bother either. he placed the cake onto the coffee table, two-bit eyes lit up when he glanced over at the freshly frosted cake. two-bit jumps onto the spot next the table. sodapop and steve were standing behind him unfazed.

as all of the chaos went on in the living room, ponyboy was still isolated in his bedroom, sitting by his desk thinking of ways he could apologize to lilly. he thought about writing a letter but he knew she'd just throw it in the garbage. his pencil constantly tapped against his head as he stared off into space.

it was dead silent in his bedroom until he heard a loud crash in his living room. ponyboy ran out of his room to see what had happened. it was dallas and tim next to the coffee table with a missing leg, everyone stopped talking.

"what the hell did you-" darry asks before stepping into the living room, "what the actual fuck?!"

"darry man, tim's leg accidentally kicked it and the coffee table just-" dallas tries to explain but was cut off by darry.

"shut up, please." darry shut his eyes, heavily breathing in and out. "go get me my toolbox and just say nothing, any of you."

sodapop left room to go find the toolbox in darry's room, where he keeps it all the time. ponyboy tried to slowly back out of the room but accidentally bumped into johnny, who obviously noticed ponyboy's strange behavior. there, he followed ponyboy into his bedroom. ponyboy threatened to kick him  out with an angry look on his face.

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