Life Lesson SEVEN: dont trust friends.

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D and Ev met in their early twenties at a coffee shop. It was love at first sight. D was a musician, and Ev was a struggling artist. They both had a passion for creativity, and that was what brought them together.Their love was passionate and intense, and they spent most of their time exploring their art together. They would go to open mic nights, art galleries, and creative workshops. They were each other's biggest supporters and pushed each other to be the best they could be.However, their love was not without its troubles. D struggled with addiction, (to being an asshole), and it put a strain on their relationship. Ev tried to be supportive and understanding, but it was difficult to watch the person she loved spiral out of control.Despite their problems, they tried to make it work. They moved in together, and Ev did her best to help D overcome his addiction. But it was a constant battle, and there were times when it seemed like they were fighting a losing war.Their relationship became more and more tumultuous as D's addiction took over. There were arguments and fights, and Ev felt like she was losing the person she loved to a drug that she couldn't control.Eventually, Ev had to make the difficult decision to leave D. It was the hardest thing she had ever done, but she knew that it was the only way to save herself.Years passed, and Ev focused on her art, building a successful career for herself. She never forgot about D, though. He was always in the back of her mind, a part of her that she could never let go of.One day, out of the blue, she received a message from D. He had been sober for a few years and was reaching out to apologize for the pain he had caused her. Ev was hesitant at first, but she eventually agreed to meet with him.Their reunion was emotional and raw. They talked about everything that had happened and the pain they had caused each other. They both knew that they still loved each other, but they also knew that they had to be cautious.Slowly, they started to rebuild their relationship. They took things one day at a time, working to regain each other's trust and love. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it.In the end, D and Ev were able to overcome their troubles and find a love that was stronger than ever before. They continued to explore their art together, but this time, they did it with a newfound appreciation for each other and the second chance they had been given.


Ev sat at her easel, staring at the canvas in front of her. She had been trying to paint, but her mind kept drifting to D. It had been months since they had broken up, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she still loved him.She tried to distract herself with her art, but nothing seemed to work. Everywhere she looked, she was reminded of him. The guitar in the corner of the room, the painting he had gifted her for her birthday, the coffee mug they had bought together. It was as if he had left a piece of himself in every corner of her life.She tried to push the thoughts of him away, but they kept coming back. She missed his laugh, his touch, the way he used to look at her. She knew it was pointless to pine for him, but she couldn't help herself.Days turned into weeks, and Ev became more and more isolated. She didn't go out, she didn't talk to her friends, and she barely left her apartment. She was consumed by her thoughts of D, and it was starting to take a toll on her mental health.One night, she found herself scrolling through old photos of them on her phone. She couldn't help the tears that fell down her face as she relived their memories. She missed him so much, it felt like a physical ache in her chest.Suddenly, her phone buzzed, and she saw that she had a message from D. Her heart raced as she opened it, hoping that maybe he felt the same way she did.But the message was short and to the point. "Hey, hope you're doing well. Just wanted to let you know I'm moving to a different city next week. Take care."Ev felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. She had held onto hope that maybe they could work things.

(to the mf in the group who made this, sleep with one eye open.)

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