Life Lesson NINE: Don't. Be. FUCKING. Rude. <3

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Once upon a time, there were five friends named Fluffy, Lucas, Ev, Lobster Man, and Chris who were all interested in geometry. They decided to attend a live lesson on the subject, and before joining the session, they all changed their profile pictures to images of Jesus. As soon as they entered the chat room, they started putting praying emojis in the chat, hoping to get a laugh out of their classmates.

However, there was one person in the chat who wasn't amused - an antagonist named Ligma. Ligma was known for being a stickler for rules and taking things too seriously. He started spamming "FOCUS" in the chat, trying to get everyone to concentrate on the lesson.

Fluffy, Lucas, Ev, Lobster Man, and Chris didn't appreciate Ligma's attitude and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. They started putting even more praying emojis in the chat, trying to annoy Ligma and get him to stop.

Ligma wasn't backing down, and the chat became a warzone of emojis and distracting messages. The other students in the chat were starting to get annoyed, and the teacher was struggling to keep everyone on track.

Fluffy, Lucas, Ev, Lobster Man, and Chris realized that they had taken the joke too far and that their behavior was affecting the other students' learning experience. They decided to put a stop to the chaos and apologize to their classmates and the teacher.

Ligma, on the other hand, refused to back down and continued to spam the chat with "FOCUS." The other students began to turn on him, telling him to stop and that he was ruining the lesson.

In the end, Ligma was the only one left in the chat, still spamming "FOCUS" to an empty room. He realized that he had gone too far and that his behavior had made him an outcast.

The next day, Ligma apologized to the teacher and the other students for his behavior. He promised to be more respectful in the future and to work on his sense of humor.

Fluffy, Lucas, Ev, Lobster Man, and Chris also apologized for their behavior and promised to be more mindful of the impact they had on others. They learned that it's important to have fun, but not at the expense of others' learning or well-being.

From that day forward, they all worked together to make the most out of their geometry lessons, with Ligma still reminding everyone to "FOCUS" from time to time. 


As the weeks went by, Ligma's behavior during online classes became more disruptive. Despite the efforts of Fluffy, Lucas, Ev, Lobster Man, and Chris to get him to stop spamming the chat with "FOCUS," Ligma continued to be a nuisance during class.

His constant interruptions and lack of respect for the teacher and his fellow students made it difficult for the group to focus on learning. They tried to ignore him, but his behavior was impossible to ignore.

As time went on, the group grew increasingly frustrated with Ligma's behavior. They realized that they needed to take action to get him to stop disrupting their classes. They decided to speak with the teacher and let her know about Ligma's behavior and how it was impacting their ability to learn.

The teacher took their concerns seriously and spoke with Ligma about his behavior. Ligma didn't take the criticism well, and he became defensive and argumentative. But over time, Ligma began to realize that his behavior was not acceptable and that he needed to change if he wanted to succeed in school.

With the support of Fluffy, Lucas, Ev, Lobster Man, and Chris, Ligma started to work on his behavior during class. He learned how to balance his love of learning with the need to be respectful of others and their learning experience.

Eventually, Ligma's disruptive behavior became a thing of the past, and the group was able to focus on learning and having fun together in a more constructive way. They continued to attend the geometry lessons and even started collaborating on projects outside of class, but they never made contact with Ligma outside of class again.

Years later, when they all graduated from high school and went their separate ways, they went their separate ways and lost touch with Ligma. But they remembered the lessons they learned during those geometry classes, and they remained lifelong friends who always laughed when they remembered their silly antics in that online chat room.

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