Chapter 4: A New Family?

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Xiaomei Hanamoto was initially apprehensive about taking in her niece, but when she heard that her brother and sister-in-law were killed by villains, she felt obligated to.

She was apprehensive because she didn't know her niece or Haruka very well, and because from what the BDCS had told her, Ketsumi was extremely traumatized, and she had no idea what to do or how to treat a traumatized child. 

She had three children of her own, so she hoped that her experience in raising children might help.

However, when she picked up Ketsumi from the orphanage, she did not expect her niece's eyes to look so dead. Ketsumi looked haggard, as if she hadn't slept in days, she had heavy eye bags, and her eyes were red from crying. Her clothes looked wrinkled, and her hair was all messy.

Xiaomei was shocked to see her state. She immediately took Ketsumi's hands. "Hi, I'm your dad's big sister and your aunt, Xiaomei. You'll be coming home with me to Japan."

"Home?" Ketsumi asked nervously.
"Yes, home, my home with my family, with your uncle and cousins." Xiaomei said gently.

"My name's Ketsumi Chiyama, Aunty. I hope you'll take care of me," Ketsumi said while bowing slightly.

Ketsumi grabbed her suitcase and backpack, and she left the orphanage with her aunt.

Time skip~(en route to Japan)

Ketsumi was nervous about living with her aunt's family. What if they ended not liking her? What if her cousins didn't like her or her Quirk? What if her aunt and uncle didn't treat her as the same as their kids? There were so many questions she had, and little to no answers. She was afraid of these changes.

"Ketsumi, what's wrong? Are you nervous about meeting your uncle and cousins?" Xiaomei asked delicately. "I'm really nervous," Ketsumi said quietly. "What if they don't like me? What if I'm a burden to you and Uncle?" Ketsumi asked worriedly.

"You're not a burden, Ketsumi, and your uncle and cousins will be delighted to meet you tonight," Xiaomei said reassuringly. "Now let's get some sleep on this flight," she said sleepily.

Xiaomei fell asleep surprisingly quick, but Ketsumi couldn't fall asleep due to her insomnia, so she decided to get off her seat, and go to the pilot's cabin.

Once she got there, she just watched the pilot and copilot fly the plane for about 15 minutes before they noticed her.

"Hey, kid, what're you doing up here?! You can't be here in the pilot's cabin!"' The pilot said. Ketsumi simply just stood there, staring at them until they let her stay there.

After about 10 minutes, the copilot sighed and took Ketsumi into her lap. "Fine, kiddo, we'll let you stay here until your parents or guardian wakes up," the copilot said begrudgingly. "Now look here, kiddo, we're about to go in a cloud."

"Wow, can I touch it??" She wondered.
"No, clouds aren't solid enough to touch, kid." The copilot said with a chuckle. "By the way, what's your name, kid?"
"My name's Ketsumi."
Well, my name's Keiko."

Soon afterwards, the plane landed in Tokyo, and Ketsumi got out of the copilot's lap and went back to her seat next to Xiaomei, who woke up a few seconds later.

"We're here, Ketsumi! I can't wait for you to meet your uncle and cousins, but first, we need to get you some new clothes and a stuffed animal!" She said excitedly.
"Okay aunty," Ketsumi said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Xiaomei noticed that Ketsumi's eyes were sparkling ever so slightly, a nice change from their usual dead look.

Ketsumi and her aunt went to the Tokyo Boulevard Mall to buy some new clothes and a stuffed cat for Ketsumi, then they went home.
Ketsumi was getting more nervous the closer they got to her aunt's house. All of her doubts came rushing back.

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