Chapter 2: Brief Happiness 💜

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Time skip~(2 years after moving)

Ketsumi was feeling antsy and nervous today. Her father had told that since his Quirk had similarities to her's, she would train for the majority of time with him. Junbei's Quirk was Blood Copy; if he drank the blood of a human with a quirk's, he could use the person's Quirk for about 20 minutes, and if he used it for too long, his eyes would bleed tears.

Haruka's Quirk was Bat Wings. The wings on her back were bat wings, which are basically just like a bat's, except that her wings span out around 6 feet whenever she activated it, and 3 feet spanned out when she was not using her quirk.

So how did Ketsumi get such a strong quirk then?

Ketsumi's Quirk had her father, mother and paternal grandmother's quirks mixed together to make hers. Ketsumi's paternal grandmother's quirk was, to put it simply, drinking blood to gain strength, manipulate blood, and to regenerate minor injuries using her own blood. Like her father and and grandmother, Ketsumi could also copy quirks and manipulate blood from drinking blood; the only major difference is that she didn't need to drink blood to regenerate her minor injuries: her body already did that naturally.

So when Junbei had found all of this out after taking Ketsumi to his friend, who was a Quirk specialist, he and Haruka decided that Ketsumi should only be open about the bat wings portion of her Quirk to her classmates.

Back to the present~

Ketsumi and her father usually began their daily training in the early morning 3 days a week, then Ketsumi would train with her mother 2 days a week in the early morning. Today was different.

Today, Junbei would have attempt to fly while using the vampire-like abilities of her Quirk. Ketsumi felt happy and excited for the first time in a while; she had been having nightmares since that horrible day, and she was happy because she was getting closer to having more control! Ketsumi then started flying while attempting to manipulate her blood into sickles, and it was going good so far!

Her father was watching her from the ground, and he was in sheer awe of her strength. "She'll be an amazing hero someday!" he thought as he watched.

Ketsumi had been doing that for around 10 minutes before she started feeling dizzy, so she made back to the roof of their house, and promptly fell asleep.

Her father chuckled and carried her back into the house, went up the stairs, and put her in her bed. Junbei went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner, and Haruka came in from work.

"How was Ketsumi doing in her training?" she asked.

" 'Sumi's doing great so far," Junbei replied.

"That's good to hear, dear, but we have a dilemma on our hands." Haruka said to him.

"What do you mean, a dilemma?" Junbei asked out of confusion.

"When I registered Ketsumi's quirk in the national database, her quirk was automatically classified as a deadly one, and the government has said that people with dangerous or deadly quirks must either be put in detention camps, attend a hero school abroad, agree to wear quirk-cancelling devices for the rest of their lives, or be exiled for the rest of their lives. Now, do you understand what I mean, Junbei?" Haruka said exasperatedly.

"That's inhumane," Junbei exclaimed angrily.

"It is, but it's the law, Jun." she said simply.

"Well, we ought to move back to Japan then! Japan has more humane laws toward people with dangerous and deadly quirks than China does, and Ketsumi could finally meet her extended families!" Junbei said in a decided tone.

Haruka knew that once Junbei set his mind on doing something, it would be basically impossible to dissuade him, but she stalled.

"We'll need to save up for at least another two years then, and we will have to leave our furniture since we didn't buy it," Haruka said.

"I don't care, as long as Ketsumi is safe as possible!" Junbei said enthusiastically.

Time skip~(3 hours later at 10:00pm)

Ketsumi woke just in time for her bi-weekly blood drink; so she went to the kitchen table where her blood bag was, and began to drink. Her father came and sat down next to her.

"Ketsumi, we're going to move to Japan in about a year or two, so I want you to start practicing your Japanese with your mom, and to study in your free time." Junbei told Ketsumi.

"Why do we need to move?" Ketsumi asked curiously.

"It's because we decided to go back to Japan, so we can raise you safely in a country that won't put you in a detention camp on account of your Quirk," Junbei said. "And so that you can meet your extended family there," he added.

"Will I make new friends there and be a good hero?" Ketsumi asked excitedly.

"Yes, I'm absolutely sure that you will," Junbei said gently.

"What about you and Mom, are you guys gonna be heroes too?"

"No, but we'll support you every step of the way!" Junbei said proudly.

Well I can't wait to move and see my family and maybe even see Vlad King in real life!" Ketsumi skipped happily to her room and searched on her tablet "Vlad King interview clips," and clicked on her favorite one.

Interview start:

Reporter: "Vlad King, what do you have to say to children with similar Quirks to yours that want to be heroes?"

Vlad King: "I'd say, 'You can do it if you work really hard! People like us have to if we want to be heroes, and having an inspiration helps!' "That's what I would say! Go beyond your limits!"

Interview end

Ketsumi cheered excitedly and said, "I'll make Mom and Dad proud of me for sure! And maybe when I see Jin again, he'll forgive me!"

Ketsumi stayed up until midnight trying to learn the Japanese hiragana alphabet that night, but she fell asleep on her desk. Her mother came in, picked her up and tucked her into bed, and kissed her cheek.

"May you be the best hero of them all, my little vampire."

A/n: when Ketsumi uses her Quirk, her eyes glow blood red in varying stages; completely red when she bites someone in order to copy their Quirk, or to feed; purple-ish red when manipulating her blood into objects; purple with red spots when regenerating injuries; and purple with a reddish hue when she uses her wings to fly. I wanted to add this info to her character profile, but I decided to add it here, since I'm too lazy, lol.

See you guys later, and please vote on this chapter!


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